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Murphy lit another cigarette before answering. "I'm not rightly sure to be honest. Pretty sure my gift is going to get me killed long before that point."

His gaze lingered upon her wrist when she pulled back, musing over what exactly the thing was. Despite his earlier claims, he had a fair bit of knowlege regarding magic. It was amazing how fast you learned to identify runes after being trapped in a summoni g circle with a feral demon, or learn which alchemical components you needed to get an antidote to offset the wounds inflicted by a basilisk. Magical artifacts, or so he understood, came in three primary flavors; Trinkets, which were he most common, were simply items imbued with magic either by some sort of enchanter or a deity. Relics were those that were themselves an actual piece of power given physical... his train of thought was brought to an abrupt halt as R let her veiled threat slip.

He was no stranger to dangerous individuals. He'd come face to face with murderous robots, psychotic demons and sociopathic murderers with depressing regularity since his arrival. Usually the best way to deal with them was to be respectful and disengage as quickly as possible, but since this time it was not only a fellow student but an honest to God peer he felt invested in her wellbeing.... at least a bit.

After letting her words sink in for nearly a minute he spoke slowly and chose his words carefully. "While I am sure you're smart enough to know this already, I would be remiss if I did not mention that while your ability allowed you to get away with anything back in the real world, there is always someone more powerful than you here in the island. Expulsion might not seem like a terribly harsh punishment but since you worked so hard to get here I doubt you want to be thrown back into a world that would burn you at the stake if they knew what you could do."

He reached again into the pocket of his coat and pulled out a small notebook and pen. There were benefits to being one of the only students who took the time to learn the schools extensive computer systems. He couldn't get someone expelied, but he COULD screw with their files enough to play merry hell with their GPA.

"If you got any names I can see what I can do."
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