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What do I need to know about Clinton and Bush’s presidencies?
Not much actually, it's probably gonna be focused on the Gulf War if anything
When/What/Why is the Whig Party
= Henry Clay. Whig party was basically the federalists reincarnated and other another name

The whig party and the democratic parties make up the second party system. The first party system was the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. These first parties that formed are the ones that George Washington avidly warns against in his farewell address.
Explain key points of Jackson’s presidency
Jackson’s Presidency was quite important.
he claimed to be for the common man. First real Democrat
Some key points to remember, most americans didn't like native americans and he was the dude that caused the trail of tears and stuff.
He also vetoed the second bank of america i believe.
He also had a feud with Henry Clay,
and went against his own VP, John C Calhoun, in the Nullification Crisis, wherein South Carolina attempted to nullify a federal law, the Tariff of Abominations.

What is the gulf war?
Gulf war was the war during Bush’s presidency and it was in the middle east and really u can read more into it but shouldn’t be too important (Basically Iraq invades Kuwait, US and UN fight to free Kuwait, but Hussein doesn’t get deposed because it wasn’t part of the mission) DO NOT CONFUSE WITH IRAQ WAR 2003-2011
What was the Gilded Age??

Wealth inequality
Late 1800s
There’s an analogy with the wizard of oz. Gilded meaning that there was gold on the outside tarnish in the inside, so basically it seemed cool but it was just hiding the bad stuff

It was a phrase coined by Mark Twain that explained the general feel for the era. Underneath the seemingly sparkly and wonderful era of economic growth and expansion, there was a bunch of government scandals and hostile feelings in the big booming business that was a characteristic of the era
Mexican American War?
Mexican American war was during Polk’s presidency who advocated for the expansion of land (Manifest Destiny) he wanted land the United States provoked mexican troops and used the following battle as an act of war, the United States won pretty handedly and gained a lot of land.
French and Indian War?
Also known as the seven years war was fought with the french and native americans on one side, vs the british and America, this led to many battles between the two. Most notably was George Washington who led a battle but lost it against the french… he was still hailed as a hero. Brits and US won and this led to France kinda being banished from North America/New World. The settlers wanted to expand westward in the ohio river valley and were doing so when the Proclamation of 1763 was ordered, supposedly preventing settlers from going west. This war also led to a lot of british debt which they passed on to America which angered the colonists eventually leading to the revolutionary war.
Main idea of Reconstruction
Reconstruction after the Civil War, and its main attempt was to reintegrate the south in the Union. There were many different plans to do so like Lincoln’s 10 percent plan. But the one that succeeded was President Johnson who didn’t like African Americans…
He returned confiscated property to white southerners. He issued hundreds of pardons to former Confederate officers and government officials. He undermined the Freedmen's Bureau by ordering it to return all confiscated lands to white landowners.
Johnson also appointed governors to supervise the drafting of new state constitutions and agreed to readmit each state provided it ratified the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery.

Don’t forget that Johnson was impeached- 1st president to be such.
Diff between Reconstruction and Restoration
Idk what restoration is.
Gilded age era?
Gilded age from about 1870 to 1900
The Gilded Age did not regulate businesses, which allowed the robber barons to gain their immense wealth. The Progressive Era was started by the presidency of theodore roosevelt. He tried to help the people with more regulation, but this ended with the start of wwI

What are the key points of the Civil Rights Movement?
Rosa parks’ arrest sparked the Montgomery bus boycott which kind of led into all these other protests like the March on Washington and lunch counter sit-ins
Little rock nine - natl guard sent in
Brown v Board of Education overturned Plessy,
SDS (students)
MLK and Malcolm X were prominent ppl. MLK was (non-radical) nonviolent while Malcolm X wanted to use violence and also wanted to be separate from white ppl, Malcolm x was during the CRM
After Kennedy was assassinated, LBJ took his place and was able to pass the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act
Eisenhower used force to help the movement along in southern states that were not following the

Native americans timeline in u.s history
Ghost dance?
Native Americans were abused throughout history… all u really need to know
Ghost Dance was a native american ritual where the natives believed that someday things would get better and the “white man” would finally leave them alone
The Watergate scandal
President Nixon was not a crook (NOT PROVEN), until he tried to cover up the crimes of those in his party he did not know.
Committee for Re-Electing the the President
(CREEP) tried to wiretap some Democrats but were caught. Nixon told the Justice Department not to investigate in phone convos that he wouldn’t release, but this w
Progressives v. Populists?
Progressive movement was city based and believed in the power of government to make the world better. Some examples of these are the Muckrakers and stuff
The Pure Food and Drug and under Theodore Roosevelt >>>The Jungle by Upton Sinclair helped with this
the imposition of an income tax with the Sixteenth Amendment, direct election of Senators with the Seventeenth Amendment, Prohibition with the Eighteenth Amendment, and women's suffrage through the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.[12]

Populists were sort of progressives trying to protect farmers
Differences between Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy and FDR’s Good Neighbor Policy?

He didn’t want the people to impede upon the development of surrounding nations. Just only when necessary.
Major Court Cases + Their Importance?
Dred Scott v Sandford: Ruled that slaves weren’t citizens, and that the government can’t ban slavery, as it violates “search and seizure” under the Bill of rights
Plessy v Ferguson: separate but equal: basically allowed discrimination to still happen bc things really weren't equal - segregation!!!@23!!!
Brown v Board: overturned Plessy: segregation is unconstitutional
Marbury v Madison: established the power of judicial review
Miranda vs Arizona- everyone enjoys constitutional rights regardless of a criminal or not
Roe v. Wade- ABORTION

Women’s Movement (N.O.W,Seneca Falls etc..)
Seneca Falls Convention - Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Declaration of Sentiments

Warren Court Cases
Brown v Board of Education (see above)
Miranda v Arizona
Escobedo v Illinois
Reed v Reed (no, she didn’t sue herself)

What was the main significance of Thich Quang Duc and his self immolation

Should you know all the amendments?
Roughly, don’t stress too much though DO KNOW THE 13th, 14th, and 15th VERY IMPORTANT!!! Let’s make a summarized list of all the amendments

What is the Iraq War?
2003-2011, under George W. Bush, goal was to topple Saddam Hussein’s government, since they supposedly had Weapons of Mass Destruction
What is the Iran War?

What are the differences and similarities of all the political parties?

*this is only
Federalists: bigger government, Hamilton, used the elastic clause (loose interpretation of constitution)

Republicans: for the people, states, Jefferson, supported the French, strict interpretation of the constitution

*fun note: washington did not have a party he was the first president and he remained neutral between federalists and republicans

Definitions change over time for each party, a democrat during jackson era is not the same as modern-day democrat
You can use trump for synthesis thoughAllahu akbar
Im in whap lmao
Ur an orangutan

U can totally use trump
Esp with jackson he is not hes
Orangutan que lastima, perdi tiempoI todo el tiempo, ser mas estupido
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