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1. 01551740
jorge#1056204 ci re acc ver; MMN checking; tx the cx; cx provided correct mmn on file and confirmed that he provided the fullname thats why the previous rep tx the call to ver dept to confirm the info; nat

2. 01551794
cci re a fraud acc/ord; want to speak with a US rep; tx to cx serv; eoc

3. 01551857
JASON THERIOT - Director of IT ci re a pending ord; no info in d&b - confirmed the info in cms; cx provided recorded vpns; tried to call vpns - able to reach receptionist (beth) but she just provided an alternate phone# which is also a vpn since the person who can confirm the ord isnt in there office; called the alternate vpn - able to reach cx at vpn; confirm vrfd; auth ord; eop

4. 01551985
ord# 211326532
dpid 2005788483581
BOB CLARKSON - President ci an ord status; ord was already auth and SC (300); tx to care; eop

5. 01551998
anna#1061889 ci re mmn update; when the call was about to tx - call got disconnected; ver process not yet initiated - unable to speak with the AH; nat

6. 01552011
NANCY JUGUETA univ of texas - fine center ci re an ord checking but upon checking using all the info cx provided - unable to pullup any info on file; cx mentioned that she is checking for an ord which was already shipped; want to know why they are still not getting the ord; advised to be tx to dell care but cx refused; eoc
phone# 7135003488

7. 01552137
JESSE THOMAS LIM - Owner ci re acc ver; P block; cx confirmed vpn on file; able to reach cx at vpn; advised cx to reprocess the ord since it was CNL already; eop
phone# 2408320354

8. 01552216
LARRY COX - Graphic Designer ci saying that he was unable to access the status of the ord; provided the website to where the status of the ord can be viewed; cx was able to check already; nat

9. 01552264
janet#1049278 ci re mmn update and unlocking acc; tx the cx; cx provided mmn which is 1 lttr off; updated mmn - unlock acc; eop

10. 01552338
BRYAN ESTRADA - Student Services ci re an ord ver; confirmed vpn on file - able to reach cx at vpn; ord was already CNL - advised cx to reprocess the ord; tx to sales bus; eop
VPN T3P 2122435081 FD - Contacted

11. 01552422
cci re a numbers which was given to him; informed cx that the 2numbers that was given to him is for the same item; however the other one is the order# and the other is DPID; nat

12. 01552438
KIA WARE (sales) ci re an inv; tx to busines care; nat

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