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Notes -

- Consultations with Rach, Ross and Rosa - DONE
- Do some True/False questions from either the resp or cardio sections of the complete self assessment book - DONE
- Do 25 GI cases from the complete self assessment book - DONE
- Questions from yesterday (written answers) - DONE
- All of principles learning objectives - DONE
- Make list of OSCE stuff to learn and pick one to learn in depth today and practice with rach at night (Learn Review consultation) - DONE

- Anatomy Museum 9am (GI anatomy)
- Anatomy funeral 11am
- Questions from Yesterday (Written)
- Go through entirety of Resp learning intentions
- OSCE consultation + exam with rach

Stuff still to learn
- GO THROUGH ALL LEARNING INTENTIONS FROM ALL BLOCKS - Prioritise this as exam Qs will be made from these
- Practice reading ECGs/learn how to present them
- Anatomy of bone development (epichondyle, etc for spot exam)
- Go over ILDs again (forgot difference between AEA and pneumoconiosis)
- Week 2 - Drugs In Cardio Diseases lecture
- Coeliac disease
- Principles: How ribosomes make proteins (the three little stations)
- : Fc receptors, myosin heavy and light chains, etc etc (immunology)
- : Genetics (Modes of inheritance)
- : Practice ABCDE scenario with rach
- : Practice focused history (SOCRATES) + exam with rach
- : Practice diagnostic history with rach
- : Practice AMPLE history with rach
- : All examinations (resp, precordial, full cardio, GI)

Questions From Today:
- Where does Zollinger-Ellison effect? (2 areas)
- What is the largest bone of the foot?
- Name the C2 and C1 vertebrae
- The axial vertebrae has a ... which links into the atlas vertebrae allowing ... to occur
- Primary cartilaginous joints are when bones are connected by a layer of ...
- Give two examples of Primary Cartilaginous Joints
- Secondary cartilaginous joints are made of ...
- Name the two types of fibrous joints
- Give an example of a syndesmoses
- Metacarpophalangeal joints are which type of synovial joint?
- Acromioclavicular joints are which type of synovial joint?
- Hip/shoulder joints are which type of synovial joint?
- The temporomandibular joint in which type of synovial joint?
- Most synovial joints are lined by hyaline cartilage, however the temporomandibular joint is lined by ...?
- Fertilisation occurs at what point in the uterine tube?
- Distal end of the uterine tube that picks up the oocyte after ovulation?
- What is the isthmus of the uterine tube?
- Where is sperm produced in the male body?
- Describe male and female sterilisation procedures
- Up to the *number* of cells, blastomeres are thought to be totipotent
- Ectoderm goes on to form what two things?
- Mesoderm goes on to form ...?
- Endoderm goes on to form ...?
- In which embryological layer does the notochord reside?
- Describe the pathway of sperm (through 6 structures)
- What are your ejaculatory ducts the adjoining of?
- What 3 structures make up the spermatic cord?
- Difference between muscle paralysis and spasticity?
- Of the following, which is irreversible: Hyperplasia, hypertrophy, atrophy, hypoplasia, metaplasia, neoplasia, dysplasia
- Difference between catabolism and anabolism?
- Describe the difference between exergonic and endergonic reactions, and give an example of each
- True or False: Gluconeogenesis is the reverse process of Glycolysis
- What is primary structure of a protein?
- What bonds are involved in secondary protein structure?
- Give two examples of secondary protein structure
- What are the main bonds involved in tertiary protein structure?
- What is quaternary protein structure?
- What about the makeup of collagen makes it so strong?
- Only amino acid without D or L enantiomers?
- What is a missense mutation?
- What is a nonsense mutation?
- What is a silent mutation?
- What is a frameshift mutation?
- What is a cofactor?
- What is a coenzyme?
- Difference between holoenzyme and apoenzyme?
- What are zymogens? Give an example
- A competitive inhibitor can be out competed by doing what?
- What is Vmax?
- Which types of cells produce myelin in the CNS/PNS?
- What are the only sympathetic-innervated structures that have acetylcholine-secreting post-ganglionic neurons?
- How does binding of the alpha subunit of a G-protein to the effector stimulate the enzyme cascade?
- What terminates the stimulation of effector by the alpha subunit of a G-protein?
- What is the therapeutic ratio? How is it calculated?
- A therapeutic ratio of ... means that the drug is safe for use in a patient
- A therapeutic ratio of ... means that the drug is NOT safe for use in a patient
- True or False: Doubling the dose of a drug as a result doubles its half life
- Alcohol is a zero/first/second order reaction. What does this mean?
- A drug is at a concentration at a steady rate after ...
- To identify staph a ... test should be used
- To identify strep a ... test should be used
- Coagulase positive = ?(colour+organism)??, Coagulase negative = ?(colour+organism)??
- Describe alpha, beta and gamma haemolysis in terms of degree of haemolysis and colour
- Why is C.Diff considered an odd bacteria?
- What part of the adrenal gland produces the catecholamines (e.g. adrenaline)?
- Zona Glomerulosa of the adnreal gland produces ...?
- Liquefactive necrosis is found only in the ...?
- Caseous necrosis found in cases of ...?
- Coagulative necrosis seen in the ...?
- After your ATP stores are used up, what does the body switch to using for energy?
- After your body runs out of phosphocreatine, what does it switch to using for energy?
- After your body runs out of free circulating glucose, what does it switch to using for energy?
- Why does pyruvate --> lactate occur?
- Which four CNs carry parasympathetic neurons?
- Multi-lobed nuclei =
- S2, S3, S4 vertebrae give rise to the ... nerves which innervate the ...
- Enlarged and pleiomorphic nuclei =
- What is the periosteum?
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