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GI Anatomy Day:
- Wk 1 Lct 6
- Wk 1 Lct 9
- Wk 2 Lct 1
- Wk 3 Lct 1
- Radiology Lecture (get bus 4:30)
- Questions from yesterday (verbal answers)
- Questions from today (written answers)
- Passmed Anatomy Questions

Questions From Today:
- What cranial nerve supplies the muscles of mastication?
- Name the three divisions of the Trigeminal nerve
- What nerves innervate the diaphragm?
- Name the 4 muscles of mastication
- Which of the four muscles of mastication aids the mouth in opening?
- What is the only cranial nerve that attaches to the pons?
- The area of gum directly inferior to the anterior aspect of your teeth is called?
- Of the 4 types of papillae of the tongue, which are to do with taste?
- What is the filiform papillae responsible for?
- Is CNV sensory, motor or both?
- Is CNVII sensory, motor or both?
- Is CNXII sensory, motor or both?
- What cranial nerve supplies the muscles of facial expression?
- Describe the anatomy that allows the facial nerve to provide taste sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
- What cranial nerves supply the sensory and motor aspects of the gag reflex?
- The parotid gland secretes saliva into the mouth via the ...?
- The submandibular gland secretes saliva into the mouth via ...?
- How does the sublingual gland secrete saliva into the mouth?
- All tongue muscles are supplied by the ... apart from the ... muscle
- What structure marks the transition from pharynx to oesophagus?
- What muscle makes up the upper oesophageal sphincter?
- At what vertebral level does the pharynx become the oesophagus?
- Name the two types of lymph nodes in the airways and where they are situated.
- Describe the anatomy of the stomach in terms of what areas are called what (4 areas)

- Where are the adrenal glands situated?
- The foregut runs from ... to ...
- The midgut runs from ... to ...
- The hindgut runs from ... to ...
- Name the three oblique muscles superficial to deep
- The mesentery of an organ connects that organ to the ...
- The greater omentum is a ...-layered structure that joins the ... to the ...
- The lesser omentum is a ...-layered structure that joins the ... to the ...
- The ... omentum has a free edge, in which runs the ...
- What ligament carries the portal triad and where is it situated?
- The omental foramen is called the ...
- Where is the lowest point in the peritoneum in males and females?
- Treatment of ascites?
- Where should the needle be placed lateral to in paracentesis? What are you trying to avoid?
- What are the only splanchnic nerves that don't carry sympathetic fibres?
- Where is pain in the foregut, midgut and hindgut referred?
- The liver/gallbladder radiates pain to what part of the body?
- The stomach and pancreas can both radiate pain to the ...?
- The gallbladder radiates pain to wait other area aside from the right shoulder tip?

- What arteries supply foregut, midgut and hindgut?
- What veins drain the foregut, midgut and hindgut?
- What is the ampulla of vater?
- Label the biliary tree on the radiograph given (word)
- Once the pancreatic and bile ducts have met at the ampulla of vater, where do they enter the duodenum?
- What sphincter surrounded the major duodenal papilla?
- Name the four sections of the pancreas
- Name two hormones the pancreas produces and what cells produce them
- Name two digestive enzymes the pancreas produces and what cells produce them
- How could a carcinoma of the pancreas cause jaundice? Where on the pancreas would the carcinoma be?
- What arteries supply the pancreas?
- Why is the pancreas both a foregut and midgut structure?
- What effect would a gallstone blocking the ampulla of vater have on the pancreas? Why?
- Where does pancreatic pain tend to refer?
- Which is more vascular; jejunum or ileum?
- What is the major absorption site of the small intestine?
- In what section of the small intestine are lymphoid tissues present? What are these lymphoid tissues called?
- Chylomicrons deliver triglycerides to the left/right venous angle via the ... duct
- Name the lymphoid ducts in the right and left venous angles
- What blood vessels are the venous angles the junction between?

- Describe which parts of the colon are intraperitoneal and which are retroperitoneal
- Describe the muscles that allow peristalsis in the colon
- Haustra present in the large intestine, ... present in the small intestine
- Is air in the colon normal?
- What is McBurney's point? What normal lies here?
- Which segment of the colon is most at risk of volvulus?
- Name the branches of the abdominal aorta from T12 to L4
- Label diagram of SMA branches
- Specify which diagram is jejunal arterial supply and which is ileal
- How is intestinal ischaemia avoided?
- Point out the Marginal artery of Drummond on the diagram
- The IMA only supplies the ... of the rectum, the rest is supplied by the ... artery

- If it seems as though the heart has disappeared on a CXR, what lobar collapse has occurred? Explain.
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