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Notes -

- Anatomy museum 9-10am
- Make resp diseases fact file table like you did for GI
- Respiratory, Cardio and GI Histology lectures
- Questions from yesterday (verbal answers)
- Questions from today (written answers)
- CAP test 2015

Stuff still to learn
- Practice chest xray questions (pneumonias, collapses, etc)
- Types of Respiratory carcinomas and what they secrete (Week 4 bronchial carcinoma stuff)
- Tbh you just need to learn week 3 resp
- Need to make time for some principles stuff too
- Anatomy of the Larynx (throat area; muscles + bones/cartilage)
- Anatomy of bone development (epichondyle, etc for spot exam)
- Week 4 lecture 5 (immunodeficiency)
- Learn some OSCE stuff on OSCEstop and practice on a flatmate

Questions From Yesterday:
- Symptoms of PBC?
- Symptoms of PAC?
- Symptoms of PSC?
- What type of drug is Theophyline?
- What is the Bohr Effect? It there an increase or decrease in oxygen release?
- What is the Haldane effect?
- Where is the horizontal fissure found?
- Where is the right middle lobe auscultated?
- Where do you auscultate the lung apex?
- Where do you auscultate the lung base?
- What is the difference between Alveolar Dead Space and Anatomical Dead Space?
- Describe the Law of LaPlace?
- The diaphragm contains elongated sheets of tissue called ...?
- Where, in terms of the ribs, is the carina found?
- The Oblique fissure runs from ... to ... on both sides.
- Tiotropium is selective for ...?
- What is Rofumilast?
- What is Cromoglycate?
- An adenocarcinoma secretes ...?
- Final stage in tumour development before becoming malignant?
- The soft palate and laryngeal muscles are supplied by?
- Stimulation of Vagus and Glossopharyngeal nerves simultaneously produces what reflex response?
- What respiratory structure is seen to develop by 28 days gestation?
- Name the 5 stages of lung maturation from start to finish
- What bacteria is typically cultured on chocolate agar?
- Of alpha and beta haemolysis, which is partial and which is complete haemolysis?
- What bacteria yields a pneumonia that produces rust coloured sputum?
- COPD patients typically get pneumonia caused by what bacteria?
- Legionella pneumonia is usually acquired from ... ?
- Patients with arthritis are at a high risk of developing ...? At what stage are these patients most at risk of this?
- What is the commonest cause of bronchiolitis?
- Infantile eczema is an indication that the child will go on to develop ...?
- Difference between chronic and acute asthma?
- The contraceptive pill increases the risk of developing a ...?
- What is croup?
- What bacteria/virus/parasite is the most common cause of Croup?
- What is Grave's disease?
- Grave's disease is the most common cause of ...?
- Name some characteristic symptoms in a patient with Graves Disease
- At what vertebral levels do the phrenic nerves arise?
- At what vertebral levels do the pelvic splanchnic nerves arise?
- Difference between internal and external respiration?
- 4 steps of external respiration?
- Which two forces hold the lungs and the chest wall together?
- Which of the two above forces is abolished in a pneumothorax?
- Muscles of active respiration?
- Accessory muscles of active respiration?
- Active expiration mediated by which two sets of muscles?
- Alveolar surface tension?
- What does the Law of LaPlace state?
- Define tidal volume
- Define inspiratory reserve volume
- Define expiratory reserve volume
- Define residual volume
- Define inspiratory capacity
- Define functional residual capacity
- Define vital capacity
- In healthy people, the FEV1/FVC ratio should be ...?
- Difference in spirometry results for obstructive vs restrictive conditions?
- Differentiate COPD from Asthma in terms of spirometry?
- Of the following things which two are directly proportional? FEV1, FVC, PEFR, FEV1/FVC ratio
- Define compliance? What would low compliance mean?
- What is the difference between pulmonary and alveolar ventilation?
- In order to increase your pulmonary ventilation is it more beneficial to increase your tidal volume or respiratory rate?
- Define alveolar dead space
- What id the equation for partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli?
- Partial pressure of Oxygen way higher than that of CO2, what offsets this difference?
- How does foetal haemoglobin differ to adult haemoglobin? Why is this important?
- What two factors determines O2 content of arterial blood?
- What complex in the medulla regulates the rhythm of breathing?
- Describe the directions that the 3 types of oblique muscles are in
- What is apneusis? What causes apneusis?
- How does the apneustic centre affect respiration?
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