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⦁ kemal sunal 11 kasım 1944 de malatyada doğdu
He was born in Malatya on November 11, 1944
⦁ çoçukluğu küçükpazar da geçti
His childhood passed in Küçük Pazar
⦁ Annesinin adı Saime Sunal
He's Mother name is Saime
⦁ Babasının Adı Mustafa Sunal
He's Father name is Mustafa
⦁ Kemal Sunal ortaokulda utangaç biriydi
He is very shy in middle school
⦁ Kemal lisede neşeli ve komikti.
He is funny and happy in High School
⦁ O lisede arkadaşlarıyla yaramazlık yapardı
He and His friends were very naughty.
⦁ liseyi 11 senede bitirdi.
High school ended in 11 years
⦁ Kemal sunal tiyatro oyuncusu olmak istiyordu
He wanted to be a theater player
⦁ Ve tiyatro oyuncusu oldu
And became a theater actress
⦁ Film yaşamı 1973 de "tatlı dillim" ile başladı.
His film life began in 1973 with "Tatlı Dilim".
⦁ Filmlerde saf, şanslı ve iyi karakterlerle oynuyordu
He was playing with pure, lucky and good characters in the movies
⦁ Kemal sunal 1974 de Gül ile evlen di
He married to Gül in 1974
⦁ Ali ve Ezo adında 2 çoçuğu oldu
There were 2 children named Ali and Ezo
⦁ Hayatı boyunca 82 filmde rol aldı
He has starred in 82 movies throughout his lifetime
⦁ 2000 yılında uçakta kalp krizi geçirdi ve hayatını kaybetti.
He had a heart attack on the plane and lost his life in 2000 year
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