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Notes -

- Cardiology EMQs 1, 2, 4, 5 - DONE
- 10 Resp EMQs - DONE
- 10 GI EMQs - DONE
- Cammy Morgan's Cardio Bible - DONE
- Week 4 lecture 5 (immunodeficiency) - DONE
- Go shopping after revision - DONE

- Questions from yesterday (verbal answers) - DONE
- 25 Pastest Qs - DONE
- Questions from today (written answers)

- 30 pastest Qs to wake u up
- Cammy Morgan's Principles Bible - decide what you need to study from principles
- Learn OSCE stuff from OSCEstop (review structure, diagnostic structure, go through all examinations and practice)
- Football boys revision night

Stuff still to learn
- Practice chest xray questions (pneumonias, collapses, etc)
- Modes of inheritance - principles genetics
- Principles immunology - Fc receptors and myosin heavy and light chains
- Practice reading ECGs/learn how to present them
- Anatomy of the Larynx (throat area; muscles + bones/cartilage)
- Anatomy of bone development (epichondyle, etc for spot exam)
- Go over ILDs again (forgot difference between AEA and pneumoconiosis)

Questions from Today:
- Atrial flutter is an SVT with a regular/irregular pulse rate
- Collapsing pulse + wide pulse pressure = ???
- Slow rising pulse + narrow pulse pressure = ???
- Rheumatic fever typically causes what valvular condition?
- Rheumatic fever typically leads to the development of Mitral Stenosis, when in most cases leads to ...?
- Name two cardiac pathologies that can develop shortly following an MI?
- Loud pan-systolic murmur heard best at lower sternal edge/apex = ???
- People who undergo PCI to get a stent must remain on what treatment for at least 1 year after surgery? Why?
- AF for how long requires a treatment plan that includes Warfarin? Describe this treatment plan.
- Amiodarone used for long periods of time can lead to the development of ...?
- Is an empyema usually acidic or alkaline? What is its pH usually more/less than?
- Is an empyema usually tranudate or exudate?
- Before a patient receives a CTPA, it must be ensured that their ... is normal. Why?
- Air crescent sign on CXR =
- Of small cell and non small cell lung carcinomas, which responds well to chemotherapy?
- Methotrexate use can lead to what lung condition?
- What is parenteral feeding?
- Into which organ is a PEG tube inserted in order to feed a patient?
- What is familial adenomatous polyposis? FAP carries a high risk of developing...
- N-Acetyl Cisteine is the treatment of choice for ...?
- Stools that are difficult to flush indicates ...?
- Which way does the trachea deviate in a lung lobe collapse?
- Which way does the trachea deviate in a tension pneumothorax?
- Splinter haemorrhages =
- Radial/radial delay = ... or ...
- What bacteria present in mouth after dental surgery?
- Continuous machine like murmur = ???
- Strawberry milkshake coloured blood = ???
- Herpes Zoster virus affects which dermatomes?
- Central abdominal pain, expansile pulsatile mass =
- Difference between chronotropic and inotropic effects?
- Noradrenaline acts on which adrenoceptor(s)?
- What is the longest vein in the body?
- Spironolactone has what side affect which can result in arrhythmia?
- What is the counter regulatory system to RAAS? What does it decrease?
- Carotid sinus innervated by ...?
- Name an anticoagulant that can be given other than Warfarin
- Which heart sound is almost always pathological and what is it usually indicative of?
- Splitting of 2nd heart sound usually caused by? Is this pathological?
- Tapping apex + opening snap = ???
- Displaced apex + AF = ???
- First line drug for Bradycardia? How does it work?
- What drug is given to manage MI induced gastroparesis?
- What is gastroparesis? Main symptoms?
- Difference between satiation and satiety?
- Which hormone increases your appetite and which hormone decreases it?
- Some people with obesity have an inherited ...?
- Factors ... and ... facilitate the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, the latter of which then facilitates what reaction?
- Fibrin is factor ...?
- Stimulation of the M1 muscarinic receptor causes ...?
- Stimulation of the M2 muscarinic receptor causes ...?
- Stimulation of the M3 muscarinic receptor causes ...?
- Stimulation of the b1 adrenoceptor receptor causes ...?
- What neurotransmitter stimulates b1? What stimulates b2?
- Stimulation of the b2 adrenoceptor receptor causes ...?
- Stimulation of the a1 adrenoceptor receptor causes ...?
- Stimulation of the a2 adrenoceptor receptor causes ...?
- Phagocytes include what two types of leukocyte?
- Phagocytes are important in defence against ... and ...?
- What leukocytes are important in the defence against parasites?
- How do neutrophils from from the blood into the tissues?
- What is the most severe type of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)?
- Describe Reticular Dysgenesis
- What is Kostmann syndrome?
- Describe some of the symptoms of Kostmann Syndrome
- Treatment for Primary Immunodeficiencies such as Kostmann Syndrome?
- What is Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency?
- Describe direct recognition of foreign antigens by phagocytes
- Describe indirect recognition of foreign antigens by phagocytes
- What antibody produced by B cells can act as an opsonin?
- Apart from IgG, name two other opsonins
- Nitroblue tetrazolium test is the diagnostic tool for ...
- What is chronic granulomatous disease?
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