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2. Working on the Super admin account details
Url :
Email : [email protected]
Password : 123456

For this, the Super Admin Dashboard should just be an overview of Channels for this client install of Elliot. With that said, just use the layout of "Global Commerce Connector as the main page that shows the channels for any given Merchant ( Here the Super Admin should be able to click into the page. For example, in the layout I reference, when a Super Admin sees WeChat as Connected, they can click it and it would go to where you have WeChat going now, which is to authorize the integration. Be sure that that the labels and CSS are implemented correctly to reference which Channels are in fact connected.

8. Orders - ( Please remove the shipped column and the labels need the following updates & 9. Working On Orders inVoice
Comments : WIP (Please Check : )

In the screen shot, "Incomplete" must be the Warning color, in the screen shot it is "Danger".
Comments : Done
Additional Notes

1.People, Order, and all instances of Country name - Countries should always have the first letter capitalized. For example, right now "United states" should be "United States"

2.Individual Products ( - We need to be able to edit and track Variations. For example, we import the SKU, but we do not import the variations details. For example, a SKU could be "XXXXX" but we need to be able to edit Variations. Can we add a tab called "Variations", put it after "General Information". This tab should have a table of all Variations, with the following editable information:
Variation Label (For example, Color)
Variation Label 2, and so on if created (For example, Size or Fabric)

3.Individual Products ( - When hovering over images, can the opacity be white, not black, and can it be slightly lighter in opacity. Also, when images exist, remove the border dashes. Those should only be present if there is an image in the container.

4.Menu - Can you update the Menu Item "News" to state "Content" and can you update the icon to class "collection-image-o"

Additional Services

Smartling - Waiting to see progress
ShipStation - Can I get an update here? The integration should look like how BigCommerce currently has ShipStation. So the user will just see a ShipStation embedded system in the Wearhouse tab. They login with their credentials. All we have to make sure to do is integrate Elliot into ShipStation as a Custom Store. Please let me know if there is any time you need to speak to this integration.


I have sent both you and Kunal access to our Smartling account. Smartling is a Translations provider that allows us, via their API, to send data to be translated by their services.

In Elliot, under the Single Product Page, there is a translations tab, this will be key for translating key product information, specifically the following:

Long Description
Short Description
and any key Attribution defined in the Attributions tab

In the Translations tab, local language translations will be available by activation of a Marketplace. For example, if a merchant subscribes to "WeChat" there will be a section added for the locale language, in this case Chinese. For adding language, use the Accordions UI from the admin template. Feel free to make them 100% width in their containing div for now.

In this, we will need to add a Menu Link to the "Integrations" sub-menu in Settings for "Translations". This should be an easy page, just use a Switch component from the Admin UI (dist/html/form-elements.html) to allow users to automatically set the translations API. For example, this should be "off" to start, because if they turn it on, the Translations API should automatically send information to be translated for every new product that is created or imported into Elliot.

For example, if it is on, when products are first synced from their eCommerce store, nothing will happen. However, once a user adds a marketplace, for example, Flipkart, all of their product data will be translated to Hindi. When this happens, the Smartling API will automatically translate.

If the global setting is off, the user will have to manually trigger this by Product, this can be in the Translations tab. If off, the user will be able to see the available Accordions, select one, and trigger the translations, one by one, if multiple local languages are available because they have more than 1 marketplace activated.

Note, in the Translations Setting, the user will have to provide their own Smartling API information, for example:

Account Token
Project Token

These are found in Smartling, which I provided you access to under API.

Let me know if this makes sense and if we need to hop on a call to discuss in better detail.

API Docs:

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Regards; Team

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