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I stay up late waiting for a text back from you. I text you every single morning telling you that I Love You. You rarely even answer my text messages. I go through the day thinking what you could be doing that is taking so long to answer. We usually face time every night and talk about our day, or just say I Love You GN. You stopped answering my calls. I was at my friends house and she called you, and you answered her. She asked you if you loved me and you said yes. That is not true. All this stuff hurts, being ignored, being hurt doesnt feel good. Just cause I say I love You does not mean you have to love me back. I am absolutely in love with you. You are absolutely geourgeous and you have such a great personality. But you have the nerve to never answer and act like it can not destroy me. This is why I hate myself. Little things like this can really destroy every single one of my dreams. I feel like I could have had a future with you. A couple years atleast. But Now I feel like you are going to ignore me and never answer. I can not be having a boyfriend that does not treat me right. I will automatically think that you are cheating on me. I will think oh he is answering other people and not me. How many girlfriends can a guy possisbly have. A girl can fake a smile, but a guy can fake a whole entire relationship. He can pretend he loves you when he really does not. He can tell every single person on the Earth that he is in love with you, but the only person that can choose to believe it is you. I do not think you actually realize how much you hurt me. The thing is we were never even dating. You added me on snapchat and I added you back. We started to talk and you would comment on every single one of my videos or pictures and call me the cutest names ever. I really fell in love with that, I asked you your name and everything. I do not even know if you knew my name. All I know is you really hurt me and you may not even realize it. Someone can not matter to you at all but you do not have to go out of your way to make them dissapointed. Some people are really sensitive nbut some people also do not have the brains to think about other people. I really loved you but I do not think I even know what love is. My friends were like aw Chevy that is fucked up. He can´t just answer other people and not you. You should drop him. But guess what I did not listen to them. I thought oh he is probably busy or helping someone with something. He is a guy ill let him do his thing. But now that I realize it i dont care about you. You hurt me and I cant hang on to someone that is going to keep doing that. Goodbye wylik.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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