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Goal - Adaptive background detection.
Simple background models - Illumination changes, noise in real life, camera jitter, sun changes position.
Issues in change detection - SUddeen flash of illumination, shadow changes, camera jitter, gradual illumination changes, car stays parked for a long time. Definition of background changes with time.
Chromaticity coordinates - (R/R+G+B, G / R+ G + B, B / R + B + G). Normalized illumination. Use (r,g,1-(r+g)). Lose brighntess.
Detect large changes in illumination or lightness. use (r,g,(r+g+b)/3). Detect changes in ratio of lightness.
Probabilistic model to tell if new pixel is background or foreground. Define a non parametric likelihood using the kernel function.
For all previously recorded background pixel, keep only pixels where illumination intensity does not change much.
Probability of background | x to be found. Assume prior for background and foreground prior. Threshold at 0.5.
Takeaways : Non parametric background model, chromatic coordinates.
Algorithm : Simple detection using lightness changes.
For pixel in background, estimate P(bg | x) using p(bg)P(x|bg) => non parametric likelihood. Threshold to make decision.
Maintain the list of background pixels and update over time.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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