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1.Your In-Game Name: Dwxn

2. Age: 15

3.TimeZone @ Eastern time us

4. Why do you want to be helper on PvpingMC? Well i want to be helper because i have past experiences from other servers with being staff. And I have seen people with hack clients / illegal mods And i want to have a part in stoping people who use hacks because i feel like that ruins the game and i fell like i could help when ssing because i know how to find clients but i wanna help the community with anyone needs help and when people are abusing or doing stuff there not suppose to do i could warn them or whatever the case is and i would also wanna help with the toxicity but i could also help if any staff need help with a player or other staff But i would just like to help in general around the whole community

5.What do you believe that you can contribute to the network? What do i feel like i can contribute to the server First i would give all my free time to be on the server and help players and i would put in 100% dedication to make pvpingmc the best server it could be and i feel like the staff team and I could make the server clean from hackers and stop them from ruining other peoples experiences on the server I would be hard working on the server doing my job more then playing i wanna make sure that every play has the best time they can on the server And i would give all my free time to the server

6.Why should we choose you over others applicants? Why you should chose me over others well first i would be super hard working giving up all my spare time to the server and i know a lot about the plugins/custom enchants so i would be perfect to help anyone in need with any of those And i would be in ts 24/7 helping anyone who needs help and i wanna be apart of the community i would always be talking to them because they are most in portent and i have a lot of friends on the staff team and i feel like being helper would be a great experience on my favorite server like i said before i would put all dedication into being a good helper

7.How active can you be on the server? (Estimate Schedule on a Weekly Basis)
Monday 3:40 pm - 9:00 pm
Tuesday 3:40 pm - 9:00 pm
Wednesday 3:40 pm - 9:00 pm
Thursday 3:40 - 9:00 pm
Friday 3:40 - 12:30 am
Saturday whenever i wake up to when i sleep or if i go places it depends same for
Sunday 10:30

8.Have you had any previous experience in any type of moderation? If So, Explain. I have kinda good experience on a old HCF server that is no longer running players liked me on there and i had with being a good experience with being a staff on there

9. Have you ever been previously muted or banned from a server? If So, please explain the situation and why it happened. I have been muted a lot i know that's bad rep but i have been trying to get my rep better so i have been helping players a lot recently I have also been temp banned but that's because i was doing stupid things i shouldn't have been doing i would false /report but i have stopped doing that but other then that i haven't

1. Do you have Skype and teamspeak? (Required) yes i have both

2. Are you able to record as apart of your Staff Duty? Yes i am able to record i use the windows 10 recording software and camtasia

3. Do you have a mic to communicate with other players/staff members? Yes i have a good mic to communicate with players/staff in any situation

4. Do you have a screenshotting software such as Gyazo or Lightshot? If so, how would you use it?
I have gyazo so if a player is threatening another player or being toxic i would take a screen shot as proof and do what is appropriate and mute them

(Apply as much detail as possible)

1. If you were in a situation where you weren't sure what to do, how would you handle it as a helper?
I would try to defuse the situation as fast as possible and I would ask a higher up staff but if i was in a situation were no higher staff was on and it was just helpers or no one i would ask or i would check ts/skype to see if anyone could come and help me with the situation that is going on at the time

2. There is a player spamming messages of a lot of vulgar words, and the player being spammed ask you to help them. What would you do from this point on? I would first ask them to stop and if they don't listen i would warn them but if they keeping doing what there doing after 2-3 warns i would kick or temp mute them and hopefully they would stop

3. A player has found a hacker, what do you do as a helper?
I would go watch the hacker and if he is hacking i would start recording upload it and show a higher staff as soon as i can to get that player banned and i would freeze him and ss him so i could check his computer for hacks or illegal mods and i would record the ss for proof so people don't try to accuse me of false banning that player

Extra Information:

1. Minecraft Experience/knowledge? (Years) I have pretty good experience with minecraft i have been playing for 2 years

2. Do you fully understand the concept to our faction server & Minigames? If so, could you be able to provide players with useful information when required?
(as well as typical Minecraft knowledge)? Yes i have played all factions/minigames and i understand the plugins and custom enchants so i would be able to provide any player or staff with the help that they need on that certain minigame

3. Anything else you would like us to know. If so, Say it here! I have been toxic in the past and i have got a lot better with not being toxic And thank you for taking time to read my staff app i put a lot of work in to this i hope you liked it
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Regards; Team

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