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Primordial insect: hey dude! quick question, what do you with the stranges you trade for? i'm not asking for mine back, i just wanna know :P
IceKwibby: the low-end ones, the ones worth 1.44-1.55, i craft them
IceKwibby: other ones i resell or use them myself
Primordial insect: k
Primordial insect: thanks
IceKwibby: the 1.44 ones into a stat clock :p
IceKwibby: stat clocks sell for 7.66-8 ref
Primordial insect: so my ones are being crafted into a statclok i presume
IceKwibby: which means a 0.44 profit every time i craft one xd
Primordial insect: and also very
IceKwibby: no, since they're higher xD
Primordial insect: veery good i mean
Primordial insect: it's a good buisness
Primordial insect: see, i literally started trading a few hours, ago, bought 10 keys and everything, course there's a hold on them but can wait, but anyway, from your perspective, am i doing, 'good'?
Primordial insect: plus haven't sle[t lol
IceKwibby: good, if you want pure
IceKwibby: bad, if you're looking for profit
Primordial insect: k
Primordial insect: so from this, what should i do? i mean i want profit, but i'm having trouble understanding what do to
IceKwibby: If you're selling items, always go for the full price on, don't let them undercut you
Primordial insect: ok
IceKwibby: or go for the highest possible
IceKwibby: looking at the classifieds of an item at tells alot about the actual active price of it
IceKwibby: buy items, always try to undercut the value
Primordial insect: so get a discount?
Primordial insect: or try
IceKwibby: again, check classifieds, and if you offer lower then what the bots are offering, then you can eithe rmake an instant profit, or just wait for a bigger profit :p
IceKwibby: yes
Primordial insect: ok dude thanks!
Primordial insect: im a trading noob, as you can tell, so this is very helpful!
IceKwibby: just ask me questions if needed xd
IceKwibby: too bad this also means i can't trade u anymore, since you know how i work xD
Primordial insect: and secondly, do you think that i should try your tactic, if you will. I mean trading for stranges, turning them into statcloks and selling them?
IceKwibby: it's possible, but you need a stockpile of ref then
IceKwibby: so you don't run out of metal trying to buy the things, but you can't buy other things :p
Primordial insect: k
Primordial insect: so get a stockpile and go from there, correct? (sorry that i'm a noob and thatit's probs common sense but i haven't slept and yeah)
IceKwibby: i've seen people who think a scrap is a refined, so you're not that noob xD
Primordial insect: ok
Primordial insect: so just be weary of how much you spend, is that the point that you're trying to get across?
IceKwibby: yes
Primordial insect: okay! i get it!
IceKwibby: and see what bots are buying items for, usually gives you an indication of how much the value of the item is to buyers
Primordial insect: ok
IceKwibby: you know what classifieds are, yes?
Primordial insect: not really, please explain
IceKwibby: if you look up an item on
IceKwibby: you can click the price they show you, it bring you to the information page of the item
IceKwibby: and the classifieds right under them
IceKwibby: people buy and sell that item on there
IceKwibby: for example, let's take a key
IceKwibby: go to and type in the search bar mann co supply crate key
IceKwibby: when you click on that price, you get taken to another page
IceKwibby: which takes you to a stats page, and right under it, if you scroll down, classifieds
IceKwibby: there are sell and buy orders
IceKwibby: Try to buy lower then the buy orders, try to stay even on the sell orders, since people usually don't offer higher then that
Primordial insect: ok i get it!
IceKwibby: If trading on a server, just keep yourself on the price, ignore the seller offers on, try to squeeze a bit more out of them xd
Primordial insect: ok then
Primordial insect: i understand fully!
Primordial insect: Thank you so much!
IceKwibby: np, if you have more questions, just ask xd
Primordial insect: though i'll probs need more help when i forget lol
Primordial insect: anyway i'm off
IceKwibby: if you get the concept of making, profit, it's easy to understand :p
IceKwibby: okay, see you later :P
Primordial insect: im kinda happy that i went from 2 ref to 30. it may not be much but i'm happy! See you later and good luck!
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