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C.J. Warwick L.E.A.P. Essay 4-18-17
I have learned many things from Officer Kelsey, so I can be safe and have a good life. From drug safety to gun safety, he has taught me and many other students to live safely. This is important because if we ever come across these things in life later on, we will be prepared for it and be aware of the consequences. For example, if we stumble across a gang of people selling marijuana, cocaine, or any other drugs, we can always leave the area and report them to the police so they can stop them. That way, no one will have any future problems with the same people continuously. We want to keep this town as nice as those billboard signs say.
Another thing is to never handle a gun when it is loaded, because you can hurt, or even kill, yourself or another person accidentally.You don't want to be put in Juvie or jail (depends on age) for accidentally harming or killing another person. Always treat a gun as if it were loaded. If not, catastrophe could strike. Like Leo Tolstoy says, "If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, I would simply say: in the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you."
Officer Kelsey has also taught us to avoid bullying and not to be a bully. Like President Abraham Lincoln said, "I'd rather be a little nobody, then to be an evil somebody." It is important to tell a trusted adult or friend so they can guide you to your freedom. Don't give bullies any TLC! We deserve the right of a say in any conversation, weather it be an argument or what brand of cheese to buy. One of the Constitutional Amendments states, "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." You have the right to stand up to anyone who is bullying you or others, to put your foot down! Bullies try to make you feel bad about yourself or others. Dont let them push you around!
Officer Kelsey, from the kindness of his heart, also has taught us the Goals of an S.R.O., and to follow them and enforce them. They are listed below:
-Reduce Juvenile Delinquency
-Increase Positive Attitude Towards Law Enforcement
-Teach the Value of Our Legal System
-Promote Respect for People and Property
-Teach the Students How To Avoid Becoming A Victim
We must follow these goals in order to have a healthy, nice lifestyle.
Plus, Officer Kelsey has taught us about Teens + Social Media

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