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Ugh, I hate this, I hate my life sooo much. Ugh im so done with Kendra. She makes me o mad and im just done. I can't deal with this anymore, it's sooo stressful and all she wants is attention and i'm done. She's not gonna freaking overdose on insuline. She just said that to try to make me feel bad for her, my life is hard as it is I don't wanna freaking deal with a brat who wants attention. Like heck to the no. Im not gonna give her attention and imma tell all my friends not to either. First they started cutting, apparently because of me. I just can't do this anymore. Now I kinda wanna be home-schooled so I don't have to deal with all of this crap and drama at school. I get sooo stressed and I get REALLY bad headaches because of all this crap. But apparently I start all the drama and apparently everything thing that happens is my freaking fault. I just don't wanna deal with this stuff anymore. I want to be home-schooled so that I don't have to deal with all this drama and then I have less to stress over. I don't wanna deal with crap at home and school. It's to much for me to handle. It's just to much for me, I just wanna go one day without getting a headache and one day without drama and crap. For one day I wanna go stress-free, and not be at the camper relaxing. One day at school. I kinda liked it when Kendra was in the hospital because there wasn't any drama and we all got along. I was worried about her when I didn't have to give a crap. I help her. I'm always there when she needs help with somthing or someone but she doesn't give a crap about me. She doesn't give a crap when I miss several days of school. She only gives a crap about her life and how rich she is and how she can get soo much crap and just brag bout all it. I mean, I want a phone or Ipod, I want a hoverboard but truthfully I don't need any of that crap to be happy. Im happy without any of that stuff. Im happy with my life. I listen to everything going on around me, my head pounding while I hear Kendra and her sister laughing there heads off, probally talking about me. I get treated like crap by everyone. I can't trust nobody and I cant rely on nobody these days. Everyone just turns their backs on me and turns agenst me. They don't know how much I struggle with, and how much pain I go through, they just care about themselves. It's sad to think that I could trust them at all. I get soo tierd and I dont get enough sleep at night, nobody cares, even when I'm happy they don't care.
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