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A loud moan came from an abandon shack, miles away from anyone else as a women had been pushed against the wall by a very horny man.

"Oh fuck Alex, calm down." Pearl placed her hands against the wall for support as her legs had started to turn into jelly, his lips kissing her neck multiple times and his hands on her waste slowly reaching for her pants zipper.

She allowed herself to be pushed onto the wall, she could feel her nipple rub against the cold wall through her shirt. She let out another moan as she heard her zipper start to become undone.

Pearl looked down in time to see her legs exposed along with her black lacy panties. She started to become even more aroused as Alex's hands started to grip and rub her thighs.

Pearl suddenly felt something, she felt disappointed in herself. She was letting this seventeen year-old brat take dominance?

Pearl quickly pushed herself from the wall and turned around, pushing Alex to the ground and quickly straddling him as she pressed her lips against his.

Pearl started to move her body towards his crotch, rubbing her soaked lacy panties along his shirt and leaving a wet stain as she did. Once she reached his crotch she moaned in pleasure as she felt his cock through his pants. She looked down at her panties before sticking two fingers inside, penetrating her pussy for a second before taking it out and placing her fingers into his mouth which he gladly sucked on.

Pearl slowly unzipped his pants, as if to tease him as she groped her own breast and rubbed herself on his crotch in a forward and back motion. Once she pulled down his pants, she bit her lip as she looked at his boxers and the outline of his cock.

'Fuck that's big.' Her fingers outlined his cock as she felt her ass start to get groped by his hands. She put her fingers around the edge of his boxers, slowly putting them inside and pulling down. Watching as she saw a bush of pubic hair lead her to a large meaty cock that was hers for the taking.

Alex's hands pulled down her panties, Pearl assisting him by moving around allowing it to become easier. Alex couldn't see her body yet, as Pearl now had positioned herself between his legs, but nevertheless the thought of her naked had aroused him.

Pearl let out a little amused gasp as she saw his cock lift itself up and slowly become a bit longer. "It can get even bigger? Oh boy, this is the biggest I've seen." She finished the sentence seductively, even though she had only seen one other. Her hands wrapped around the cock as she giggled.
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