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Notes -

- Myocardial Infarction - DONE
- AF treatment - DONE
- Learn what causes elevated JVP - DONE
- Types of shock and how they manifest in the body - DONE
- Finish Sam's Cardio EMQs - DONE
- Gastroenteritis (know all bugs, viruses (noro/rota virus) and parasites + treatments) - DONE
- Learn half of GI buzzwords
- Sam's GI EMQs
- Questions from yesterday (verbal answers) - DONE
- Questions from today (written answers)
- Pastest 30-50 questions with Rach depending on time/tiredness

Questions from Today:
- Right sided ventricular failure causes oedema where?
- Left sided ventricular failure causes oedema where?
- Cardiac cause of pain in the epigastrium/back?
- Why is PCI preferred over Thrombolysis (what is the main potential side effect of Thrombolysis)
- What drug must also be prescribed when giving morphine? Why?
- A patient having an MI suddenly develops an Atrial Fibrillation, what do you do?
- Patients post MI are at risk of developing which two cardiac defects?
- What is the difference between an NSTEMI and a STEMI?
- How does an NSTEMI present on an ECG?
- What are Troponins a measure of in terms of an Acute MI?
- Increased levels of which two Troponins in the blood indicates damage to the heart?
- Pink frothy sputum = ???
- How can a tension pneumothorax cause shock?
- Why might Hepatomegaly and Ascites be signs of right sided heart failure?
- What is cor pulmonale? How is it treated?
- Cor pulmonale commonly causes a raised JVP. Why?
- If beta blockers fail to lower the heart rate in a patient with congestive heart failure, what do you give next?
- Describe a standard treatment plan for a patient with AF (three drugs) and why you would give each drug.
- What drug can act to control both rate and rhythm in AF? Why is it not used a lot?
- How do you tell whether you are viewing a strong carotid pulse or an elevated JVP?
- Cannon waves in JVP are indicative of one of two of ... ?
- Define cardiac output
- What is preload?
- What is afterload?
- In it's most basic sense, what is shock? Upon what factor does it ultimately depend?
- Describe how lack of blood volume can cause shock and state what this is called
- What is cardiogenic shock?
- How dose this decrease in heart muscle contractility cause shock?
- What is an obstructive shock? Why would a raised intra-thoracic pressure cause shock?
- What is the most common cause of an obstructive shock?
- What is a neurogenic shock? How would damage to the nervous system cause shock?
- Where should a chest drain for tension pneumothorax be placed?
- Treatment for cardiogenic shock?
- Where are peripheral chemoreceptors found and what is their function?
- What is the function of proprioceptors?
- Where are central chemoreceptors found, and what are their two functions?
- Chest trauma + pulseless electrical activity on ECG --> ???
- 'M' pattern in V5 + Inverted T waves in leads I, aVL, V5, V6 =
- A 58 year old woman presents with an AF of greater than 48 hours. What must be prescribed and for how long before you attempt DC cardioversion on this patient and why?
- What is the gold standard treatment for a patient in Ventricular Tachycardia?
- If vagal manoeuvres are unsuccessful, how should a Supra-ventricular Tachycardia be treated?
- Continuous systolic "machine like" murmur that obscures 2nd heart sound is indicative of ...?
- What is the most common bacterial cause of Gastroenteritis in the UK?
- What is the rough incubation period of Campylobacter?
- What parts of the GI tract does Campylobacter typically affect?
- What is the most prominent symptom associated with a Campylobacter infection?
- Treatment for Campylobacter?
- Define acute Diarrhoea
- Define persistent Diarrhoea
- Define chronic Diarrhoea
- Which of the above is most commonly caused by infection?
- Name some causes of Chronic Diarrhoea
- Salmonella is also a cause of gastroenteritis, which parts of the GI tract does it affect?
- What is the rough incubation time for Salmonella?
- Treatment for Salmonella?
- Shigella gastroenteritis shows was distinctive symptom?
- Shigella infection tends to present in which two groups of people?
- 40% of Guillian-Barre Syndrome cases are preceded by a ... infection
- E.coli O157 infection causes the development of ...
- What is HUS? (What are the 3 characteristic symptoms)
- What two groups of people does E.coli O157 typically affect?
- Treatment of E.coli O157?
- Why must antibiotic treatment be avoided in treatment of E.coli O157?
- What is an alternate name for Typhoid fever?
- What bacteria cause Typhoid fever?
- What is the rough incubation period of typhoid fever?
- Symptoms of Typhoid fever?
- Once in the body, where does Typhoid fever bacteria reside?
- How is Typhoid fever spread?
- Treatment for typhoid fever?
- Why don't you normally give Ciprofloxacin for Typhoid fever?
- Defining symptom of Cholera infection?
- How is Cholera spread?
- Treatment of Cholera infection?
- Of the following antibiotics, which should not be used in C.Diff infection; Oral Metronidazole, Oral Vancomycin, IV Metronidazole, IV Vancomycin
- Describe how mild, severe and severe+complicated C.diff infections are treated
- Describe the general pattern of a Staph Aureus induced gastroenteritis
- Typical incubation time for a Staph Aureus Gastroenteritis?
- Clostridium Perfringens heavily associated with ...?
- Bacillus Cereus heavily associated with ...?
- Giardia typically spread via ...?
- Treatment of Giardia induced gastroenteritis?
- What is Enetrobius Vermicularis?
- Enetrobius Vermicularis typically seen in what group of people? How is it treated?
- Shiga-like toxin is associated with which organism?
- What is the most common cause of gastroenteritis in children under the age of 3?
- What is the most common cause of renal failure in children under 5? Why?
- How are bacterial causes of gastroenteritis diagnosed?
- How are viral causes of gastroenteritis diagnosed?
- How are parasitic causes of gastroenteritis diagnosed?
- Typical symptom of Norovirus induced gastroenteritis?
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