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<OldCodeinee> I have an old bottle of codeine that expired in 2009 it's my Granada and it looks like there a enough left to catch a niceee buzz. Should I drink it and what would I say if they asked me where it went lol
<OldCodeinee> It's literally been sitting in the bathroom and I think my grandma wants to see if I'll drink it lolol
<methisdope> do iit
<methisdope> say u threw it out
* LiVeen (~LiVeen@tripsit/tripsitter/LiVeen) has joined
* DrTripServington sets modes [#drugs +v LiVeen]
<methisdope> and throw out anything else expired
<OldCodeinee> Lolol I should just go on a cleaning binge then
<raven> you can get otc codeine syurp here.. not worth stealing
<wtf_igo> well, look to see if there is any danger in drinking expired codeing
<raven> syrup
<wtf_igo> *codeine
<tripbot> wtf_igo meant: well, look to see if there is any danger in drinking expired codeine
<NeTNaut> ^
<OldCodeinee> Not where I am raven and plus its 8+years old so my grandma isn't gonna use it
<wtf_igo> um..
<OldCodeinee> But I just don't wanna get really sick lol
<OldCodeinee> It's promethazine and codeine
* TripSitMe64916 ([email protected]) has joined
<LiVeen> NeTNaut, wtf_igo, are you 2 like super best friends? :D
<tripbot> Dear LiVeen, mnu left you a message: tell LiVeen I am at the mercy of gentoo in regards to a weechat update (cos CBA doing it on my own) but I too love i3-gaps
<LiVeen> mnu, mah man!
<LiVeen> mnu++
<tripbot> [karma] mnu now has 129 karma
* OldCodeinee has quit (Client Quit)
* Puri (~Puri@tripsit/user/Puri) has joined
* ghaly has quit (Client Quit)
* ghaly ([email protected]) has joined
<LiVeen> mnu, you really like having the cpu and temp info on the bar, dont ya? xD and numbers for workspaces? :D
* OldCodeinee ([email protected]) has joined
<LiVeen> looks good tho!
<wtf_igo> OldCodeinee,
<tripbot> [link] Expired Codeine Cough Syrup - Doctor answers on HealthTap
<TripSitMe64916> I have a question about combining methylphenidate and LSA
<wtf_igo> LiVeen, i thought you were my best friend
<wtf_igo> hurts mang
<LiVeen> wtf_igo, of course I am! <3
<LiVeen> I totally remember you at all
<OldCodeinee> ~codeine dosage
<tripbot> codeine Info: summary, avoid, dose, duration, onset, marquis, categories, bioavailability, effects, warning, after-effects, experiences -
<methisdope> wtf_igo that link is bullshit
<LiVeen> wtf_igo++
<tripbot> [karma] wtf_igo now has 146 karma
<wtf_igo> why is that methisdope
<wtf_igo> please explain
* ghaly has quit (Client Quit)
<LiVeen> methisdope, really? I prefer people take their bullshit IRL for farms n shit
<methisdope> because theyre not tryna get high
<methisdope> theyre squares
<LiVeen> and we're triangles?
* OldCodeinee has quit (Client Quit)
<LiVeen> hexagons?
<wtf_igo> stupid answer methisdope
<methisdope> ofc theyre gna listen to the label
<wtf_igo> they are doctors
<tripbot> Did you know that platypus venom can cause extreme sensitivity to pain, which can last for months and isn't even alleviated by morphine? TripSit recommends staying away from platypi, especially under the influence of drugs.
<LiVeen> Oh
<wtf_igo> have you read the article
<LiVeen> shit
<LiVeen> DRAMA!! :D
<wtf_igo> but please carry on handing out reckless advice
<methisdope> lol hardly reckless
* ghaly ([email protected]) has joined
<wtf_igo> ofc, fs this room is full of morons
<LiVeen> mnu, is your pc really 1024x768? xD
<TripSitMe64916> where do I go for help with combinations
<LiVeen> if so, do you play games? xD
<mclovin> wtf_igo who you callin a moron
* TripGuy73932 has quit (Quit: - Harm Reduction Through Education)
<raven> i found a full hd 32" tv in the trash yesterday. using it for a monitor now
<methisdope> me im sure
<wtf_igo> lol sticking up for your bf mclovin ?
<mclovin> I had a bf ?
<methisdope> me bb
* TripGuy73932 ([email protected]) has joined
<TripSitMe64916> :(
* thanatos hugs TripSitMe64916
<wtf_igo> TripSitMe64916, what combo?
<TripSitMe64916> methylphenidate and LSA
<mclovin> wtf_igo at least im not friends with a guy who argues over lasagna
<wtf_igo> ~combo methylphenidate lsa
<tripbot> Unknown combo (that doesn't mean it's safe). Known combos: lsd, mushrooms, dmt, mescaline, dox, nbomes, 2c-x, 2c-t-x, amt, 5-meo-xxt, cannabis, ketamine, mxe, dxm, pcp, nitrous, amphetamines, mdma, cocaine, caffeine, alcohol, ghb/gbl, opioids, tramadol, benzodiazepines, maois, ssris.
<wtf_igo> hmm have you tried asking in tripsit TripSitMe64916 ?
* ghaly has quit (Client Quit)
<wtf_igo> #tripsit
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