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Bitter-Sweet (add on)
Politely I say
"Yeah, I'm all just a little tired I guess." And with that Hazel drops the subject.
"Hey did you guys here about the new movie 'the Favorites'? It's in theaters this weekend."Hazel shares, what I think is good news to her.
"Uhm no I haven't heard of it, what's it about?" I question trying to keep the conversation going.
"It sounds like it would be good, It has this family that are rich and live in that beautiful house everyone want, and the children are always so possessive and don't share, turns out its because there like a spirit connected to this object, who try's to control the kids." She watches our reaction. All I can do is blink, but it looks like Dahlias about to say something. Wincing at the mediate sound, she shouts
" We all should go watch that this weekend!" She has a face splitting smile, like it would be the greatest thing ever. I watch as Hazel squeezes Sky's hand. He smiles up at her for reassurance,
"That would be awesome, we could possibly go, but no promises." He answers for both of us. We hear the speakers go off, and our principal is about to speak.
" Scarlet November-Rose Morales, Skylar Morales , and Kaiden Morales, please report to my office mediately. Thank you that will be all." He didn't have a harshness to his voice but I never been to the principals office.
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