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"Who you calling short, nerd?"

"Who you calling a nerd, you baby pig!" There was a sound of shuffling as two boys were about to get into a fight; a meaningless one, but still a fight on school grounds. Aura Marine, the nerd, grabbed Pig-boy by the collar, causing the collar of the shirt to become slightly soaked with cold water.

Suddenly, a large gust hit the two, separating them by a couple of feet. Aura growled and looked around. "Who in the-" He stopped as his eyes landed on a boy with long raven black hair, a white hoodie, and light blue jeans. "'s you."

The boy started to walk forward, coming in between Aura and the other boy as he glared Aura down. "What did I tell you about fighting people?" Aura looked down at his feet, it almost felt like his mom scolding him for not doing the laundry.

"Not to do it..."

"And what did you just try doing?"

"Punching him..."

"Which ensues a what?"

"A fight..."

"Good job, maybe next time you'll actually pay attention to-"

"Excuse me! But who the hell are you!?" Pig-boy was now angry at the fact his quarrel was interrupted, he angrily stomped his way towards the newcomer.

"Oh me? My names Alexandrite Mica, but you can just call me Alex, nice to meet-" He was cut off by the sound of fist meeting cheek, he found his head facing towards the floor, with his cheek now hurting a bit.

His left eye twitched as he felt himself start to get angry. 'Calm down Alex... just count to ten then it will all be over.' He let out a soft sigh.

"Serves you right, nerd-boy."

'I'm gonna end this Miss Piggy looking asshole.' Alex's head shot up as he felt a tug in his gut, suddenly there was a large gust of wind, strong enough to push the kid forward and in punching distance of Alex.

Alex quickly made a fist and swung it, making a direct impact with the boy's cheek. The boy staggered backward, ready to continue forward and strike back until suddenly a gust of wind kept him back and pushed him down to the ground.

Alex wrinkled his nose, the heavy pulling in his gut leaving as he turned to a flabbergasted Aura. "Let's go."

Aura looked towards the boy on the ground, back at Alex, then back to the boy before regaining composure. "" Aura received a death glare from his so-called 'Mother' before following quickly behind.
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