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Matthew curls up in his bed after locking the door to his room. 'How could I be so stupid....?' He thought to himself. He had just told his papa that he loved him, and not in the way he should love his papa. He loved him more than that and he had told him. Francis had seemed shocked and Francis never seemed to be shocked. So, to spare himself the embarrassment and fear of his papa he had run up to his bedroom, where he was now. He sniffled a bit but didn't want to cry about how stupid he was. He cried way too much about hating himself. He knew no one liked that about him. He wanted to disappear. He wished his papa didn't see him, like the other countries didn't see him. He hid himself under his blankets ,even though Francis couldn't get in, when he heard him knock.

((Say yes for a Franada starter. I would love for you to be Francis. Thank you.))

Matthew walks with Gilbert, carrying Kuma easily. He sighs to himself as he stares at the albino. 'Why do I like him so much....? Maybe he likes me too....No.... He can't like me the same way, what am I thinking...? He thought to himself, looking down at Kuma. He stumbles a bit and was about to fall when Gilbert caught him. This surprised the shy Canadian. "U-uh...T-thanks Gil..." He mumbled quietly, looking up at him with his clear violet eyes.

Matthew cooks happily, listening to his music as his hips sway to the beat. He is only wearing a pair of American flag underwear that his boyfriend, Allen had bought him and one of Allen's shirts which was way to big for him and with the sleeves sometimes going past his hands it made him look smaller and more adorable than normal. "Al~" He calls out sweetly. "I'm making pancakes, you want some?" He asked, hoping his boyfriend could hear him from the kitchen to his room.

Levi sits in class, seeming bored until the teacher announced that they will have their first partner project of the year. He glances at his boyfriend Eren, who was very nearly deaf, only hearing loud noises and such. No one else was going to pick him as a partner so when the teacher said to go ahead and pick your partners Levi went and sat next to Eren. He tapped Eren's shoulder. 'Want to be partners?' He signed, having learned sign language when Eren and him were just friends then becoming fully dedicated to it because he really liked talking with Eren and really cared for Eren. Levi was that type that didn't seem like they would be nice in a romantic relationship but he was. He hadn't told Eren about his own condition though, being too afraid of what Eren would think. Levi was a vampire even though he hid it very well, blaming all of his clothing choices on being emo and when he had to leave the room when someone got cut or was bleeding he said he couldn't stand the sight of blood. He watches Eren sign back 'ok' and nods before looking back at the teacher and waiting for instructions on what the project was.

Matthew was bustling around the house, cleaning and making sure everything was spotless as Alfred and Matt were coming over to visit. "Al!" He called out in a sweet but slightly commanding voice. "Time to get up!" He didn't realize he was still only wearing a pair of Canadian flag boxers and one of Allen's shirts which was too big for him, the sleeves going over his hands and making him look smaller and more adorable. When Al got up Matthew walked over to him. "Get dressed, Alfred and Matt are coming over later. " He reminded.

Matthew was normally a very happy country even though he was always left behind and forgotten. But today, Matthew didn't have that happy light in his eyes. He seemed really sad and depressed. He didn't look at anyone. He wasn't happy at all. He felt terrible but he wasn't going to say anything unless he was asked about it. That's how he was. He would tell his problems unless asked or forced to tell. He didn't want to bother other people with his problems. He thought he wasn't worth their attention because of how much he was forgotten. He just stayed silent, looking at the floor with Kuma held comfortably in his arms.
Levi punches his locker as he thinks. The vampire hated school. The only reason he came to school was to see the one who made him feel anything, Eren. He made him feel happy. He made him feel alive. It was the oddest thing ever to think about though because Eren was a werewolf, as most people in the school were, including most teachers. Levi was one of like six vampires and he knew no one liked him. He had a bad attitude, hated most people, didn't show his emotions and was a major clean freak. He stops his little fit as Eren walks by, not wanting to seem upset in front of him. 'What am I going to do......?' He thought, leaning against his locker and watching Eren walk away.
Levi sits in his room stretching out his wings and taking them out of the binds he always kept them in. He always kept the wings in binds because he knew no one would take him seriously if they knew. Only two people knew about his wings. Hanji and Erwin. Erwin knew because every captain of the survey corps grew wing and Hanji knew because she did checks on everyone. Levi sighs as he has to bind his wings again as there is a knock at the door. He opens it a huffs. "What do you want, Jaeger?"
Levi walks with his boyfriend home, staying in the shade so he didn't burn to a crisp. He was silent for a while until he said. "You're going to tell him today." He knew Eren would know exactly what he was talking about, Eren telling his father two things. First of all, Eren was gay. Second of all, Eren was dating Levi. Levi knew Eren had been putting it off for the longest time but Levi wasn't going to let him wait any longer. "You're going to tell him. He isn't home but he shouldn't be too busy so you can call him. " He says as they come into view of Eren's house. Levi knew Grisha Jaeger's schedule inside and out because it let him know when he had to be careful at Eren's house.
Bill sits next to his boyfriend Dipper and thinks. The blonde kept his one I wide as he watched what Dipper was doing but after a while he got bored and looked away after a minute though he said suddenly "Pine Tree, kiss me." Looking at him for his reaction.
///Levi holds his crying Omega close, now regretting the decision he had made to make Eren go train away from him just after they had bonded by Levi marking Eren then them mating. He should have let Eren stay with him the way it was supposed to be. The normal two days of being inseparable that all new mates went through to make their bond strong. "I'm so sorry...." Levi mumbled. He thought maybe now Eren regretted something too but not something Levi was happy thinking about. Levi thought that this would make Eren regret choosing Levi as his Alpha. After all, Omegas chose their Alpha not the other way around. Levi didn't know why Eren had chosen him. He had never really been nice to Eren but he did care about the titan-shifter. "I'm sorry......this is my fault..." Levi said. "I shouldn't have made you leave me alone.....I didn't think anything would happen...." He added. He didn't really know what happened and he and Eren had been standing there for a long while, Eren not calming down. Finally, Levi had one last idea and picked the tall crying Omega up. "Come on....I'm sure Erwin will understand if you talk to him....He's also an Omega so...he should know how to talk to you better then I can." He says even though Eren's probably not listening. Levi walked to Erwin's office and kicked the door carefully since his hands were full. When Erwin opened the door Levi looked at him with slight pleading eyes. "Help me....I don't know what happened and I can't get him to calm down......" Levi says. Erwin sighs and takes Eren from Levi, telling Levi to wait outside which Levi nods to and leans against the wall as the door closes.
///Bill clings to his boyfriend, his face buried in the crook of Dipper's neck. The half-dream-demon, half-human had been really clingy lately, seemingly with no reason. Bill did have a reason though but he didn't plan on telling Dipper anytime soon. He looks at what Dipper was doing and ultimately got bored. He thought for a minute and then nipped Dipper's neck, wanting attention. ((Ref: ))
Bill huffs, sitting on the couch and waiting for Dipper to quit talking to his family. It was Christmas and everyone was socializing but Bill. Three people in Dipper's family hated him and wished he was still gone. Well, one of those three was unsure but the other two were very sure they hated him for what he had did before he was supposed to be wiped from existence. After a while of sitting alone, Bill gets up and moves over to Dipper and wraps his arms around his waist. "Pine Tree..." He whines, still using the same nickname for his boyfriend. "I'm bored...." He adds. Dipper had made him swear not to use any of his, now a bit limited, powers in front of Dipper's family since most of them didn't believe in things like that. He nuzzled his head in the crook of Dipper's neck, acting like a normal boyfriend would which wasn't how he normal acted. He was crazy and he would admit that but he didn't want to embarrass Dipper in front of his family.
Bill wanders around his statue, bored and sick of being trapped in the area around the stupid statue of him that had turned o look like his human form. He would be trapped here until someone shook the hand of his statue like they were making a deal with him. He knew that would take a long time and no one would be able to see or hear him until then. Suddenly he noticed someone walking towards his statue and immediately knew it was his Pine Tree. Dipper came here everyday to look at his statue and talk to it like it were really him. Bill didn't understand it but he really liked listening to Dipper speak about all the things he did and in the time that Dipper came every day....Bill had fallen for him. Bill watches Dipper sit in the normal place he did and stare at his statue for a moment. Then Dipper does something Bill didn't expect and starts crying. Bill's eye widened and he went in front of Dipper. "Pine Tree..." Bill says even though Dipper can't hear him. He wished he knew what was wrong with Dipper so he could fix it. He wanted Dipper to be alright.
Levi huffs as he flies into his boyfriend's window, smelling odd. Before Eren could say anything though, he covered his mouth, whispering "Shh. Don't say anything. I don't want Mikasa hearing us and coming in here. I can't deal with her while I'm like this. Just go to sleep and let me stay close to you. Alright?" He asked. The vampire was in heat, something that vampires only went through for three days every ten years. That's why most vampires were turned and not born. Vampires could only get pregnant during those three days but both genders could get pregnant. Werewolves also had heat cycles but they were quicker together and lasted a bit longer. Werewolves also had less control than vampires did when they went through heat. They would get needy and just want fucked while vampires still could hold to their standards and be choosy about who they were with. That's why Levi could still keep himself calm when he could smell Eren's scent. He loved Eren and while his heat made him want fucked, he wouldn't force Eren into anything he didn't want to do and would not try to influence him to do it with him. Levi pulled Eren back into his bed, which Eren had gotten out of when Levi had flown into the room and moved to be close to him, that being all he himself wanted to do right now.
Will's eyes widen as he spills the drink on his mistress accidentally. Withing a few seconds he feels a hard slap across his face then another. His mistress continues to beat up on him for a while longer. Then, finally, he hears his master call for him. He quickly moves to leave the room, tears running down his face and over the red marks that were now there. He walked out and over to the room of his master, the one he had fallen in love with but would not say so, not looking up at him as that would be disrespectful. "W-what do y-you need , M-Master...?" Will whimpers out quietly.
Matthew walks into the meeting quietly, not paying attention to where he was going he accidentally ran into someone. He looked up and saw Ivan standing there and quickly looked back down. "S-sorry...." He stuttered out. He didn't stutter as much as people thought. Certain people just made him nervous. Including Ivan, his crush and probably the scariest guy on the planet sometimes. He didn't know whether Ivan could see him though. Sometimes he seemed like he could and other times he seemed to not be able to see him. He started to move away from the bigger country and over to his seat.
Matthew takes a deep breath as he moves over to Gilbert, being rather nervous as he was about to confess to his crush. Not only was he going to confess though, he was going to do it in German for Gilbert. He pulls on Gilbert's sleeve and when he turns to look at him he quietly says "Ich liebe dich, Gil." glancing up at him.
Levi smiles as his daughter Lilly toddles around the room, smiling at her pack mates. Her father, Eren was the Alpha of the pack and Levi was a vampire he had fallen in love with and who had bared their child. Lilly waddles quickly over to Levi exclaiming "Mommy!" Levi chuckles and picks her up. "How is my beautiful little girl?" He asks happily. Lilly was turning five today and so the entire pack was at Eren and Levi's house. Lilly giggles. Levi then hears a mumble from a pack member, Jean. "Why do we even put up with the stupid hybrid anyway?" He asks. Levi frowns and the room goes silent. He hands Lilly over to Mikasa, her godmother. "What the fuck did you just say?" He hisses, standing up.
Levi walks next to Eren calmly. The vampire had fallen in love with Eren in every lifetime they had both went through. This had to be the longest lifetime though, him being a vampire. He didn't say anything about the other lifetimes as he had a test going to see how many lifetimes it would take for him to remember the first lifetime. Levi remembered that lifetime clearly. How hesitant they both were to fall in love, the hardships they faced to be together and how it had ended, how they died together. With every lifetime after that, Levi lost more hope that Eren would remember it. The only reason he remembered was because he had promised Eren as they were both dying that he would remember him forever and for some reason that worked but it felt more and more pointless every time Eren didn't seem to remember. Finally he couldn't take it and sat down on a rock, putting his head in his hands. "I'm such a failure..." He mumbled to himself.
//Levi walks out onto the stage as the crowd cheers. He waits for them to settle down a bit before he starts speaking. He always said a little bit before his shows. "Hey. How's everyone tonight?" He asked thought didn't really care. "Alright. So anyway. Tonight show is very special because this is my hometown. So, I decided this would be the place I announced what I do after this show. If you listen to the song I am going to sing then I'm sure you'll understand. Just remember this song isn't mine. This will be the first time and only time I sing someone else's song and the only time I sing a pop song. Okay, so this is Matt Fishel's Radio-Friendly Pop Song. " Levi said as the music started. He glanced back at Eren, his boyfriend who was standing backstage. He had promised Eren this would be the place he came out to his fans as gay and that was what he was doing. ((The song: ))
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