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A quirk idea I have is an illusion one. This quirk could make the user manipulate up to two senses of the victim; however, it can only be on one person at a time, the user needs to see whomever he is using it on, sustained use strains the user, and finally it requires immense concentration. One thing it can also do is manipulate the user to exceed the human body's limits and for a short time act without hindrance

Haven't come up for with a name yet but a quirk with the ability to manipulate anything that contains sodium chloride (ex. Food). My friend came up with it for me because I'm very salty.

I have a simple quirk idea that I'd love to see something similar to.
Unsightly - User cannot be looked at for over 3 seconds at a time. Someone who looks directly at the user for over 3 seconds will suddenly have their eyes shoot upwards as far as they can go.
The downside is that someone can just quickly look away every couple of seconds in order their vision being tampered with. The user would likely specialize in hand to hand combat as their opponent's constant having to look away leaves openings from close range and would make it harder for them to dodge/block shots.

Plant. Can plant an idea in someone's head. There is no indication for the target that it wasn't something they thought of themselves. The idea can be a very vague feeling or something more concrete.
Limitations: the user has to somewhat believe what they are planting. There's a limit to the complexity of the thought (can be improved by training), more vague thoughts are more open to unfavourable interpretations but they are more subtle.
It has a range limit, but it's big. The idea is broadcast generally (inside the range), but its intensity greatly varies according to how much it fits with what the affected people were thinking. If it doesn't fit at all the target may not even notice it or notice and deduce they are being affected by a quirk. Because of that, understanding the personality of the target and being able to see/hear them are very useful.

Darko. Makes everything Dark.

Here's the quirk of the OC I'm using in the next OC Tournie Hyper Organization - In a radius around her, she can understand how everything is organized/positioned and how to organize it in different ways. In the radius, she also has minor telekinesis and teleportation of objects along with limited Precog (using factors in her quirk's range) and the ability to focus on something and get details about it. The downside is that the quirk altered her brain a bit so she is germaphobic, OCD, and has problem with socializing with people. Excess use of her quirk exaggerated these downsides on top of giving her migraines. The usual/normal radius is 30 meters but can be increased with concentration and/or heighten emotions.
Really cool quirk here, although I do think the radius is much too large. Makes it a bit OP, imho, especially if you're thinking of using this in the next tourney. A 10 meter radius might be more reasonable.
This is me in real life, seriously. Im diagnosed with pure O OCD. My thinking capability skyrockets when I induced it and if I over induced it, my sanity will collapse. Especially in sparring tournament where I can easily go berserk, and one of the reasons I stop participating in any martial art clubs, despite that I love it.
stop making me cringe please, i just want to enjoy my reddit threads
thank you

These are from my OC's QUIRK: Strike - Her quirk gives her skin properties akin to that of a match. She has to strike her skin against a rough surface for the skin to ignite. Pros: She can put the fire on her skin out at will. Her skin is tougher than an average human's(resistant to fire). Cons: There is a regeneration time for when she can "re- strike" her skin after she puts her fire out. The time varies from 10 seconds to 1 minute depending on her vitamin A intake.
QUIRK: 24/6 - His quirk allows him to stay awake for 6 days straight without tiring. On the 7th day of the cycle, he has to sleep for the whole 24- hours. Pros: Good for surveillance and security. Cons: No matter what, he can't go over the strict 6 day limit, causing him to fall asleep at bad times if not planned carefully.

Quirk:[PAINKILLER]: the user's quirk allows them to summon a ghostly figure out of their body that has a very robotic apperance with medical themes like red crosses,pills, and a white and gray color scheme. The figure has incredible strength and incredible punching speed, but it can only move within 2 meters of its user and whatever damage the figure takes is returned to its user. It has a special ability which allows it to increase a persons nerve sensitivy to ludacris hights, making everything hurt ALOT, this ability activates when special small spikes on the figures knuckles cut the target.
I have a drawing of it Here

I had had an idea for two characters who are siblings, with each adopting a variation on their parents' quirk.
The older brother has a quirk called Overclock,which is able to boost the physical powers and Quirks of those he touches for a short amount of time. Each time he touches someone with both hands, He can either double or halve their speed, strength, intelligence, etc. for up to 8 hours. In addition, touching someone who is using their Quirk causes the power of that quirk to similarly double or halve. However, the downside to his power is severe; for each minute someone touched by him is powered up, they end up experience near-death fatigue for a period of time equal to 1 times the the number of times he has "overclocked" them, i.e. using his Quirk on someone 4 times makes them 16 times as strong, but for each minute they are overclocked, they will fall into a near comatose state for 16 minutes after the power fades off. He can use the power on himself, which means that he is often a nightmare for villains. Of course, the ridiculously heavy toll this takes on his body and the body of those he uses his Quirk on means that he is essentially only called in to help the most dire of disasters.
The younger brother has a Quirk called Doubletime, which lets him stretch or compress time around him. The range of his ability is only a roughly 3 foot radius, but the result is that he is able to buy himself more time, or suddenly speed up a punch or kick to near impossible to block. The largest downside to his ability, however, is that he himself ages at the speed of the time bubble he creates; If he has dilated time in his bubble, for each minute in the real world he ages two minutes; and similarly he ages slower while time is sped up around him.
Because of how powerful but also dangerous their Quirks are, the brothers were often called the Double-Edged Duo while attending UA High. Not surprisingly, they decided to take up the name in earnest upon Graduation

Elemental type quirk: Magma pores - secrete lava from spit or sweat if the user wills it. The uses of the quirk uses a lot of water from the body
Mutant type quirk: Diamond bone - the user looks like quirkless human but every bone in the user's body is diamond and unbreakable
(dunno what class of quirk): Extreme pitch- the user can accelerate any object into projectile 10x the normal pitching speed if he holds it with 3 fingers grip. Limitations can strain the users shoulder 10x the effect of a normal pitch

I've thought of a couple of cool ones I might use for the next OC Tournament
Golden Touch: The user can secrete a gold-colored liquid from his palms. The liquid 'gold' can be manipulated and controlled as the user wishes, including hardening the liquid into a solid coat or being as runny as water. Applications include disabling an opponents limbs by covering them in the liquid, or covering his body (excluding joints) to act as an armor. However, the user only has about 6L of liquid gold stored inside his bones at any given time, and can be replenished by eating high-mineral diets.
Jet Turbines: By sucking in air from 2 small vents on the front of the wrists and running it through rotors inside the arm, the user can create powerful cyclones that are released from larger round vents just above the elbows. These cyclones can be used to propel the user into the air or fire powerful bursts of wind at targets. However, the rotors take about 3 seconds to produce a cyclone, and can overheat if used continuously for about 3 minutes. (this quirk entails the user having large forearms)
Blackheart: The user's circulatory system has an incredible amount of elastic and muscular tissue as well as full control of the functions of the heart and blood vessels. As such, the user can dilate or constrict his blood vessels on command, as well as extend them from his body (usually the hands) to act like tendrils (maximum range is 3 meters) which can be used to drain from or transfuse blood to another person (veins for draining, arteries for transfusing). A special use of this quirk is using high pressure to expel 'blood bullets' at long distance targets. (Originally thought up of this quirk for a vampire-looking support hero who acts as a field medic)
Solar Panels: Using solar energy, the user can create translucent, orange, hexagonal shields of energy, about 3 ft in diameter. These panels, once summoned, cannot be moved. The strength and number of the panels is dependent on the amount of solar energy absorbed by the user and the amount if sunlight present in an area, making this quirk more suitable for daytime operations.

Elemental quirk (?) - Plasma: The user can coat a limb in plasma for 1 minute or turn into plasma for 15 seconds.

15 second rest period for both methods.

Desync: The user's appearance is slightly desynced from their physicality, both in terms of location and time. It randomly changes, and can show up anywhere in a 5 foot radius around them, and can lag or jump forward 3 seconds in either direction.
Thing, IDK: Basic Strength Enhancement, but the user is physically incapable of going at less than 100% - they have to wear a specially-designed suit that resists their every movement so they don't break/kill everything they touch.
3rd Person: The user's vision is disconnected from their eyes - they can choose any point in a radius up to 20 feet around themselves and use that as the focal point for their vision.

Teleport: Allows the user to instantaneously teleport to any location, as long as it is in their line of sight, or they are familiar with the distance and direction between them and the target (so if you knock them out and stick them in a windowless cell, they're pretty much helpless). One other limitation to this ability is that performing multiple teleports in quick succession induces motion sickness.

Density alteration, but feels the same for the user. I'd assume if you punched someone with a constant speed, but with a variable density then the denser punch would be stronger. Also maybe you could jump high with a lower density idk

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