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1. In Paradise Lost, God made everything, including the tree of good and evil (knowledge). He declared to Adam in “Genesis”, if you eat from that tree you shall die. What does God mean, by eating from tree, it will lead to the death of Adam orthe death of something else in Adam? Does God create good and evil or does he determine if something is good or evil?
2. What makes God truly a god? Is it as in “Genesis”, knowing good vs evil, is it more about being omnipotent? Can it be something else?
3. In Paradise Lost, what does God know of the path of humans? Consider that God gave humans free will.
4. In both The Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost being too prideful is punished. In The Divine Comedy, there is a terrace punishing it, and in Paradise Lost, Satan is punished for his pride in wanting to be more like god. Why is pride such a sin in both of these texts? If Satan and the punished in the terrace of pride wants to be more like God, and desires to be powerful just like him, why does God consider it a sin?
5. What are the differences of Satan’s character in The Divine Comedy and in Paradise Lost? Are these differences important in Dante's and Milton's religious views?
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