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# Geography Revision
_/Geography Revision_

## Development

* A few development indicators...
* Life expectancy
* Adult literacy rate
* Infant mortality rate
* GDP per capita
* % undernourished
* % with access to clean safe water
* Countries lag behind in development because...
* They have debts to pay off
* Poorer countries borrow money to develop, but they have to pay interest on the loan but when the interest rates shot up the countries had to use more and more of the money they'd earned to pay the interest
* They have trouble trading
* Tariffs and subsidies make their job a lot harder
* Definitions
* LEDC: less economically developed country
* LEDCs tend to have a high death rate, low literacy rate,high infant mortality, lower life expectancy, low GDP
* Sudan, Bangladesh, Zambia
* MEDC: More economically developed country
* Canada, England, Australia
* Third World: developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America
* Brazil, Mexico India
* Ghana
* Climate
* South west: wet
* North: very hot and dry (winds from the Sahara make it very hot)
* South east: very dry
* Is a country in West Africa
* Ghana is an LEDC
* Physical Features
* Low land
* Flat land
* Has an artificial lake (Lake Volta) which has a damn built on it for electricity
* Ghana is still and LEDC today because.....
* Many people live in great poverty
* High percentage of population living in rural areas
* Poor infrastructure
* Great inequality
* Development has many different aspects....
* Having enough money to live on
* To earn money, poorer countries can...
* ...
* ...
* To help poorer countries, rich countries can...
* ...
* ...
* Millenium development goals...
* Gender equality
* Environmental sustainability
* Global partnership
* Child health
* Universal education
* Maternal health
* Eradicate hunger and poverty
* Combat disease

## Our World 2030

* An ecological footprint is the area of the earth's surface that is needed for....
* - produce crops and animals for food supply
* - grow trees for timber and paper
* - for settlements, roads and other infrastructure
* - and to grow enough forests I soak up CO2
* Citizens could to reduce our footprint...
* Harvesting bio fuels
* Recycle
* Use puling transport, walk or cycle to work
* Organize protests
* Cut our emissions
* Carbon dioxide, energy use, etc
* Restoring useful soil
* Creating genetically modified crops
* The UK's footprint...
* If everyone lived as they did in the UK we would need 2.5 earths to support us
* was 317.5 million global hectors in 2005
* Meaning 5.3 GHA per person (roughly 7 football pitches)
* Since our footprint keeps on growing we're heading for many problems such as....
* Food and water shortages
* Instability and conflict
* Because of shortages
* Large numbers of people on the move
* Struggling for survival
* Climate change making those problems worse
* The total human footprint is growing every year because....
* LEDCs are developing fast
* Their people are becoming better off, so they eat a wider variety of food and buy more things
* The earth's population is rising by over 70 million every year
* Every human needs food, clothing and space to live in
* At the same time in many places the earth is becoming less able to support us...
* Fish stocks are collapsing
* Because of over fishing
* Climates are changing
* Because of then higher level of CO2
* Rain forests a being destroyed
* When trees are burned or left to rot away, they give off CO2
* Land is turning to deserts
* Becoming a very big problem into parts of Africa and Asia

## China

* Where is china?
* In Asia
* Coastal: East China Sea, South China Sea
* Surrounded by 14 countries, including: Russia, Korea and India
* In the north eastern hemisphere
* It's relief? Other physical features?
* It is the fourth largest country in the world
* 40 times the size of the UK
* Almost 20% of china is desert
* The Haubei Plain is the largest area of flat land
* The Himalayas form its southern border
* The lowest areas are along the coast
* The climates?
* The north is sub-arctic
* The far south is tropical
* The north western areas are dry
* The south western parts are cold and dry
* Population?
* Ethnic groups
* The Mongolians
* Originated from Northern China.
* The Tibetans
* Originated from Tibet.
* The Sani
* Originated from Southern China.
* The Han
* Around 92% of the population come from this ethnic group.
* Chinese cities?
* Beijing - capital
* Tianjin - south of Beijing
* Harbin - centre of 'chickens' head
* One child policy?
* Couples in towns and cities can have only one child
* In rural areas you may have permission to have a second child
* If you have more children then you area lowed you will be fined
* GDP increase?
* 1979, the economic reform began
* China started developing quickly and the standard of living rose fast.
* Inequality?
* People in urban areas are much better of then those in rural parts of china
* Eastern half of china is also much better off then the western because it had the majority of the industries
* People leaving the rural areas of china?
* Why?
* To find better jobs that pay more so they can support their families better
* Where too?
* To the urban parts of China
* Environmental problems?
* China is developing faster than any other country in history
* And with that, pollution in Cina is increasing
* Coal is used for 70% of the energy in China
* But the problem is, it's one of the dirtiest fuels to clean up afterwards
* Factories also pollute the air and rivers with chemicals
* More and more people have cars which means more CO2
* There are not enough sewage works so millions of tonnes of waste is just poured into rivers, lakes and streams everyday
* Three Gorges damn
* What is it?
* Largest dam in the world
* Where?
* Across the Yangtze River
* Why?
* To create hydroelectricity
* The water spins turbines in the dam and forms electricity

## Oceans

* How we make use of the ocean
* Fishing
* Transport
* Leisure
* Navy protection
* Energy
* Oil
* In what way are we harming the ocean
* Burning fossil fuels
* Pollution
* Overfishing
* There are 5 oceans
* Arctic Ocean
* Pacific Ocean
* Southern Ocean
* Atlantic Ocean
* Indian Ocean
* How does the ocean play a major part in natural life?
* - it's where life began
* -helps to regulate the atmosphere
* - it is the source of our fresh water
* - it affects the climates
* Ocean atmosphere
* Ocean ridges: are built by magma rising form the earth's mantal
* Ocean trenches: are formed when one plates being forced under another
* Terms...
* Ocean Ridge: a mountain range on the ocean floor
* Ocean Trench: a deep chasm in the ocean floor
* Ocean Current: a current of warm or cold water flowing through the ocean
* Continental Shelf: where the ocean floor slopes gently away from the coast
* Coral Reef: a structure in the ocean formed by limestone secreted by animals
* Phytoplankton: tiny ocean plants
* Global Conveyor: a system of underwater warm and cold currents

# ...
_/Geography Revision/_
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