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Need Help With Dog-related Issues? This Article Is For You

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<h3>Simple Tricks For Making Your Dog Happier And Healthier</h3>

Humans domesticated dogs thousands of years ago. That very history shows that man and dog have been partners for so long for a very good reason. However, humans like you have the responsibility of taking care of your dogs. You should keep reading to learn more about being a good dog owner.

If training has become routine and boring with your dog, consider introducing agility exercises into the mix. These will still teach your dog to obey and be challenging, but they tend to be a lot more fun than the regular commands. Get the whole family involved by making an obstacle course and working the dog through it frequently.

Avoid insisting that your dog socialize nicely with every other passing dog. Experts recommend that your dog be able to tolerate introductions through sniffing and eying with another animal, but say forcing the issue can create problems. Accept your dog's lead when meeting and greeting other animals and allow for natural interaction.

Pet-proof your home before bringing a dog into it, just as you would for a crawling toddler. You need to move anything toxic to a higher shelf and consider the danger that plants may pose if nibbled by your dog. Remember that anti-freeze is deadly and that leaving things like pennies or crayons on floors can pose a choking hazard to curious pups.

If can rabbits eat blueberries article for has long hair, make sure to take the time to trim the fur around his feet. If you allow your dog's hair to grow too long, they can get things stuck in their fur. This could lead to injuries between the pads of the feet and around the nails.

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In order to make sure that your dog is healthy, be sure to allow it to have access to clean water at all times during the day. Just like with all living beings, water is one of the most important components. The only exception would be that you would want to keep water from a puppy for three hours before bedtime.

Stimulate your dog mentally by giving him exercise and physical activity. Find ways for your dog to help you each day, such as training it to fetch the morning paper. Your dog will feel like a useful member of the family, and the reinforcement will keep his training sharp.

If you have a new puppy in the house that suddenly begins chewing things, do not fear. This could be a sign that your puppy is teething. To keep puppy from chewing on your belongings, make sure that you have provided him with plenty of chew toys of his own.

Do you have a hard time keeping your dog from barking? You might be encouraging this behavior without even realizing it. Your dog will keep barking if you acknowledge this behavior. It is best to ignore your dog until it stops barking, even if your dog wants to come inside.

You dog should go to the vet on a regular basis. You must keep up with vaccinations, heartworm testing and physical exams for your dog. Your puppy will have to go to the vet more when they are young. If your dog seems sick or hurt, you should go to the vet immediately.

Check you dog for parasites and take preventative measure. Flea and tick collars are important. Keep in mind certain collar work better in different seasons and geographic areas. In addition, check your dog's ears. Ear mites are common. Also, check the dog's stool to ensure he hasn't picked up worms in his digestive system.

Dogs sometimes get tiny cuts on their paws. Clean any small cuts on your dog with antiseptic, and bandage the area. If the cut is deep, it is best to go to a veterinarian.

You may not have known that some vitamins can harm your dog. If your dog already has a good diet, avoid giving him supplements. You can cause damage to your dog's joints, bones and circulatory system with excessive vitamins. Always seek your vet's advice before giving supplements to your dog.

If you are planning on getting a new puppy, plan on investing in some training classes. These classes offer a great opportunity for your puppy to socialize with other dogs and learn basic commands. These classes will provide your new puppy with a great foundation for future training and will help them get a great start in life.

Dogs love the outdoors. For the most part, dogs really enjoy being outside and being able to stretch their legs. Remember this when choosing the right dog for your family. If you live in an apartment, it is not really fair go look at a dog that needs lots of exercise, unless you are planning on jogging with your dog twice a day.

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Be thoughtful about breeding your dog. Repeated breeding of a female can evetually lead to severe health problems for both the dog and the puppies that is born from her. If you plan to breed be sure to do your research first so that you can be sure that you are doing the right thing for your animals.

Give your dog love, just as you would with a child. Dogs are intended to live in groups, and in those settings they tend to be affectionate with one another throughout each day. To give your dog what it needs you must show it love through petting and snuggling. This will only strenghthen the bond that you will have through the years.

If you are trying to teach your dog some basic commands, one of your first ones should be a recall. Everyone wants their dog to return to them when called for. If you have a solid recall for your dog, you will not have to worry about chasing your dog down it manages to get outside. It should come back to you when you use your recall word.

Your dog is only here for a short amount of time, so making their life the best possible is your job. This article is a great start, but continue reading advice from experts and other owners to ensure you continue to make life great for your dog. The more you learn, the better.

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<h3>11 Dog Breeds That Get Along with Pit Bulls</h3>

<p>If you want to bring a pit bull into your home or another dog to accompany your pit bull, you should consider which breed to opt for to ensure friendliness and compatibility between the dogs. Take a look at a few dog breeds that get along with pit bulls.</p>

<h2>German Shepherd</h2>

<p>Originating in Germany, the German Shepherd is an active, loyal, brave and adaptable dog breed. These dogs are generally large in size with a height of 22-26 inches and a weight of 50-90 pounds. They are highly strong and easily trainable dogs.</p>

<p>Being playful and affectionate, the German Shepherd is a good consideration to have when it comes to pit bulls. Since both these breeds tend to be intelligent, loyal and energetic, you will be able to make them get along well as long as you provide vast amounts of training to both.</p>

<p>Generally, it would be a good idea to get a breed of the opposite sex to minimize aggression. Make sure both breeds are neutered as well to prevent issues.</p>

<p>Bringing in a puppy would be easier in terms of training, but either way, you should carefully watch over both dogs during the initial introduction phase to ensure that they do not get into major displays and fights of aggression.</p>

<h2>Cocker Spaniel</h2>

<p>Cocker Spaniels are much smaller in size than pit bulls, measuring around 15 inches and weighing around 20-30 pounds. Their place of origin is the United Kingdom, where they were initially mainly used as hunting companions.</p>

<p>They are friendly, affectionate, adaptable, flexible and trainable. They have high levels of energy that can match that of a pit bull well. Cocker Spaniels are also playful and friendly with other dogs, making them suitable companions for pit bulls.</p>

<p>While it might take time and caution for them to start getting along, they will soon be on friendly terms as they settle in with each other. It is important to make sure that both dogs are well trained and socialized so that too much aggression does not set in.</p>

<p>You must also always be there to intervene in case there are any fights.</p>

<p>Apart from this, their other needs and traits such as mental invigoration, exercise, training and barking are more or less similar.</p>

<h2>English Foxhound</h2>

<p>The English Foxhound was originally bred for hunting. These dogs are medium to large in their size, weighing up to 75 pounds with 25 inches in height. They are usually friendly, affectionate, gentle, energetic and playful.</p>

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<p>With high trainability, adaptability and physical or mental exercise, you can easily provide proper socialization to these dogs at a similar level as pit bulls.</p>

<p>English Foxhounds are more prone to barking as compared to pit bulls, but when it comes to other dogs, they are extremely tolerant and friendly. This can be attributed to their pack mentality that comes from their hunting origins.</p>

<p>A combination of an English Foxhound and a pit bull can result in making your household a lot more active and energetic. Like all other breeds, however, it is important not to leave the pit bull alone with this dog for too long.</p>

<p>If possible, you or someone should always be around them to keep them in check.</p>
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