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-- Herbs and their uses --

~ Format ~

[[Herb Name]]: description of the plant. where it's found. what it does. how to use it. [Another Herb in the List]

~ Diseases ~

[[Bright-Eye]]: a pink flower with a darker pink inside, can also be white with the darker pink inside. it's found in sunny, wooded areas. when mixed with [Lovage], it can help cure coughs. to use, chew it into a pulp and eat it.
[[Catmint]]: mainly light purple flowers and light green leaves. shorter than [Catnip] and is less attractive to cats. it's found mainly in Twoleg gardens. like [Catnip], it cures greencough and whitecough, and eating too much can be very harmful. to use, eat it.
[[Catnip]]: mainly light purple flowers and light, pale green leaves. taller than [Catmint] and is very attractive to cats. it's found mainly in Twoleg gardens. like [Catmint], it cures greencough and whitecough, and eating too much can be very harmful. to use, eat it.
[[Chickweed]]: large leaves and tiny white flowers. grows pretty much anywhere, as long as water is nearby. like [Catmint] and [Catnip], it treats greencough and whitecough. however, it's better to use the aforementioned herbs. to use, eat it.
[[Coltsfoot]]: it looks very similar to [Dandelions]. grows in wetter areas, such as marshes and by rivers, mostly in newleaf (spring). it treats kitten-cough as well as easing breathing and cracked or sore pads. to use for breathing and kitten-cough, crush into a pulp and eat it. to use for cracked or sore pads, crush into a pulp and apply to the paw pads.
[[Honey]]: a viscous, yellow liquid. found in beehives and honeycombs. it's good for sore throats and soothing coughing, as well as making it easier to swallow other herbs. to use, eat it from a honeycomb or moss that's covered in it.
[[Lavender]]: thin purple plants with long green stems. it can be found in sandy soil and Twoleg gardens. it cures fevers and chills, as well as covering the scent of death. to use for fevers and chills, inhale the scent constantly. to use for the scent of death, rub over the body of the animal.
[[Lovage]]: green leaves that are slightly spikey at the tips. grows best in slightly wet, sandier soil in full sunlight. when mixed with [Bright-Eye], it can help to cure coughs. to use, chew it into a pulp and eat it.
[[Lungwort]]: dark green leaves with small gray spots. grows best in partially shaded woodlands. it cures yellowcough. to use, eat it.
[[Sweet-Sedge]]: long, thick stems with pale yellow-green buds. it can be found in marshy areas. it helps infections. to use, swallow the sap.
[[Tansy]]: small, very round yellow flowers with green stems and small leaves. it's found near Twolegplaces and in the forest. it's good for coughs, wounds, poisonings, preventing greencough, and sore throats. to use, eat it. it should only be eaten in small doses, and not at all if pregnant.

~ Wounds/Injuries ~

[[Blackberry Leaves]]: pinkish green flowers, each with five petals. it's found almost anywhere. it eases the pain of bee stings. to use, chew the leaves into a pulp and apply to the stings.
[[Burdock Root]]: pointy stem with dark leaves and a sharp smell. can be found in most places, especially beside Thunderpaths (roads). it is used for rat bites, numbing them and healing even infected bites, as well as infected pads. to use, dig up the root and apply it as pulp to the wound.
[[Celandine]]: small, four-petaled yellow flowers with light green stems and leaves. it grows best in moist soil in the forest. it's used on weakened and damaged eyes. to use, crush it into juice and trickle it into the eye.
[[Chervil]]: large green leaves with brown roots and small, white flowers. it grows best in moist soil. it's used for infected wounds, bellyache, and to help with kitting. to use for wounds, chew it to extract juice from the leaves. to use for bellyache, chew it to extract juice from the roots.
[[Cobweb]]: spindly white threads. can be found anywhere, anytime. used to soak up and stop bleeding, as well as bind broken bones. to use, press onto the wound.
[[Comfrey Root]]: pear-shaped purple flowers with large green leaves and stems, thick brown roots. found in damp and grassy areas. it's used for helping broken bones, soothing wounds, wrenched claws, itching, inflammation, stiffness, and burns. to use, chew the roots into a poultice and apply onto the wound. it can also be put in the injured cat's nest.
[[Dandelion]]: it looks very similar to [Coltsfoot]. it can be found everywhere. it soothes bee stings and it can be used as a painkiller, as well as to heal [Meadow Saffron] poisoning. to use for bee stings, put the white liquid inside the stem on the wound. to use for a painkiller, chew the leaves. to heal [Meadow Saffron] poisoning, eat the roots.
[[Dock Leaf]]: large, tangy-smelling leaves. found in leafy areas. it can be used for scratches (though it may sting), sore pads, and easing the pain of wounds. it's also used to practice healing. to use, chew it up and apply it to scratches. it can also be put in the injured cat's nest.
[[Elder Leaf]]: found usually in five thin leaflets. located on an elder tree. it soothes sprains. to use, chew it into a poultice and apply to the sprain.
[[Fennel]]: thin, light green, spiky leaves. found on dry land and riverbanks. it soothes hip pain. to use, break the stalks and squeeze the juice into the injured cat's mouth.
[[Goldenrod]]: yellow flowers on tall green stems. it can be found basically anywhere. it's good for healing wounds. to use, chew into a poultice and apply on the wound.
[[Horsetail]]: spiky, light green stalks. it can be found in marshy areas. it treats infections and stops bleeding. to use, chew into a poultice and apply to the wound.
[[Marigold]]: yellow or orange circular flowers that grow low to the ground. it can be found near water. it stops infections, bleeding, and helps joint inflammation. to use, chew the petals or leaves into a poultice and apply to the wound or joint. the juices can also be used.
[[Oak Leaf]]: pale green leaves. it can be found on oak trees. it stops infections from developing. to use, first dry the leaves and then chew into a poultice and apply to the wound.
[[Ragwort Leaf]]: yellow flowers with tall stems and darker green leaves. it can be found everywhere, especially in rainier areas. it's used to treat aching joints and give strength to a cat. to use for strength, crush and chew it. to use for joints, mix with [Juniper Berries] and eat.
[[Rush]]: lavender-colored small flowers with very thin and long leaves. it can be found in very marshy areas. it's used to bind broken bones. to use, place it along the limb and wrap [Cobwebs] around to hold it in place.
[[Stinging Nettle]]: thin stems with small clumps of light green seeds. it can be found anywhere in the forest. it can be used to help a cat vomit, bring down swelling, heal broken bones, and fight infection. to use for vomiting, eat the seeds. to use for swelling, broken bones, and infection, chew the leaves or the stem into a poultice and apply to the wound. for broken bones, it's combined with [Comfrey].
[[Tormentil]]: small yellow flowers with dark green leaves. found in cooler areas and Twoleg gardens. it's used for treating wounds and extracting poisons. to use, chew into a poultice and apply to the wound.
[[Wild Garlic]]: a white bulb with light green leaves. it grows best in sandy or moist soil. it can be used to draw out poison in rat bites and prevent infections. to use, roll in a patch of it.
[[Willow Bark]]: brown bark. can be found on a willow tree. it's used to ease pain. how to use it is not listed.

~ Other ~

[[Alder Bark]]: greenish gray bark, sometimes with a bright red inside. found on alder trees, which grow along rivers, even during leaf-bare (winter). it's used to ease toothaches. to use, chew the bark.
[[Bindweed]]: blue flowers with a white inside and arrowhead-shaped leaves. found along Thunderpaths (roads) and in the forest. it helps bind sticks together. to use, wrap around the sticks and hold them in place, usually to keep a broken leg in place.
[[Borage]]: blue or pink flowers that are shaped like stars and dark green leaves. can be found in the forest. used to produce more milk, bring down fevers, soothe bellyaches, and relieve chest tightness. to use, eat it.
[[Broom]]: small yellow flowers, small leaves, on a shrub. can be found in the forest, even during leaf-bare (winter). it can be used to help wounds and broken legs. to use, chew into a poultice and apply to the wound.
[[Burnet]]: green leaves, can sometimes have purple flowers. can be found in sunny areas in the forest. it's used to give strength, especially for queens. to use, swallow the leaves.
[[Catchweed]]: small, fuzzy green circles on the end of long stems with thin leaves. can be found along hedges and in forested areas. it's used to stop poultices from coming off. to use, place the burrs on the fur of the cat over the poultice.
[[Chamomile]]: small white flowers with a large yellow center. can be found in sandy, cool soil in Twoleg gardens. it helps calm a cat and give strength. to use, eat it.
[[Daisy Leaf]]: large white flowers with thick, dark green leaves. can be found anywhere. it's used to soothe aching joints and as a traveling herb. to use for joint pain, chew into a poultice and apply to the joint. to use as a traveling herb, eat it.
[[Feverfew]]: small white flowers that look similar to [Daisies]. it can be found along water. it's used to reduce fever or chills, heal aches and pains, and soothe headaches. to use, eat it.
[[Heather Nectar]]: purple flowers on thin stems. it can be found in shady areas. it's used for making mixtures easier to swallow. to use it, add it to pulps that have to be swallowed.
[[Ivy Leaf]]: green leaves with very light green outlines. it can be found on ivy vines. it's used to store other herbs.
[[Juniper Berry]]: dark green spiky leaves with bluish-purple berries. grows in dry places. it is used to soothe bellyaches, give strength, help with breathing, and calm cats. to use, eat it.
[[Laurel Leaf]]: thin green leaves in small clumps. it can be found in the forest. it's used to make herb wraps.
[[Mallow Leaf]]: lilac-colored flowers with dark-ish green leaves. it's found near water. it's used to soothe bellyache. to use, eat it.
[[Mint]]: green, bumpy leaves. can be found in the forest. it's used to hide the scent of death. to use, rub on the animal's body.
[[Moss]]: soft, tiny green shrub. it can be found on trees in marshy areas. it's used to soak up liquids.
[[Parsley]]: long, light green stalks with light green leaves. grows in moist soil. it's used to stop queens from producing milk and to cure bellyache. to use, eat it.
[[Poppy Seed]]: small black seeds that look similar to [Foxglove] seeds. they can be found in poppies, by drying and shaking the seeds out. they're used to help a cat sleep, soothe shock, and ease pain. to use, chew on them. do not use for queens unless necessary.
[[Sorrel]]: light green leaves that together form a short bush shape. it can be found near Twoleg dens. it is a traveling herb and can help create an appetite. to use, eat it.
[[Stick]]: thin brown protrusions off of trees. can be found where there are trees. it's used to distract cats from pain, mainly queens who are kitting, or to help keep a broken limb straight. to use for pain, bite down on it. to use for broken limbs, place against the limb and wrap it in something like [Bindweed].
[[Thyme]]: small pale green leaves on reddish brown stems. can be found in hot and sunny areas. it's used to calm anxiety and help shock. to use, chew on the leaves.
[[Watermint]]: light purple flowers on light green stems. can be found beside streams and in moist soil. it can be used to help the pain from bellyache. to use, chew it into a pulp and eat it.
[[Willow Leaf]]: long, soft, light green leaves on willow trees. the trees grow near water. it's used to stop vomiting. to use, eat it.
[[Yarrow]]: small flowers that can be yellow, red, white, pink, orange, etc. on long stalks. it can be found mainly in sunny areas in sandier soils. it's used to extract poisons, induce vomiting, and heal cracked pads. to use for poisons and cracked pads, chew into a poultice and apply to the wound. to use for vomiting, eat it.

~ Poisons ~

[[Yew/Deathberry]]: flat, sort of ring-shaped red berries with thin, spikey leaves. found in moisty, shady areas. it can kill an animal or cure infections as a last resort. to kill an animal, eat the whole berry. to cure infections, remove the flesh of the berry and eat it.
[[Foxglove]]: bell-shaped pink flowers with small seeds that look similar to [Poppy Seeds]. can be found in partially shady areas in the forest. it can be used to cause suffering leading up to death. to use, eat it.
[[Holly]]: dark green spikey leaves with small, bright red berries. found in forests, mainly in moist areas. it can cause vomiting, bellyaches, and death if a lot is eaten or the victim is young or very old. to use, eat it.
[[Meadow Saffron]]: purple flowers with six petals each on tall, thin, light green stems. can be found anywhere, mainly in damper areas. it can cause vomiting, difficulty breathing, and weakness. to use, eat it. cured by eating [Dandelion] roots.
[[Deadly Nightshade]]: small green shrub with bell-shaped greenish purple flowers and small black berries. found in wet, shady areas. it can be used to quickly kill an unsavable cat. to use, eat it.
[[Water Hemlock]]: green or white flowers on long stems. can be found in marshy land. it causes pain, writhing, and foaming at the mouth. to use, eat it.
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