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Gavin Zieber
October 16, 2014
Red Lion Area Junior High School

Why I Support Our Veterans
By Gavin Zieber

Freedom. A word that every country would jump at the chance to have. Only some countries do. Including the one and only, America. Sweet land of liberty. Home of the brave. We have it because of those people you might not think about often, even though you should. Along with the people fighting right now, there are too many people to count that have had some sort of hand in the life you are living. We have a special name and day for these people. They are called veterans, and I appreciate them.
Veterans can go back to people that fought in the Revolutionary War. It’s anyone that fought for us at anytime. That one sentence should tell you why I support our veterans. It’s because they fought for us. Every single one of us in this country. These people went out there and fought others who you wouldn’t want anything to do with. They are the bravest people out there. They’re brave enough to get within feet of people that could take out our entire country. These people have families just like us, they eat, sleep, and breath just like us, but that doesn’t stop them from risking their lives for millions of other people and families. You and I should appreciate them for that.
Appreciation is a word I use pretty often. How can you not appreciate someone who went out across the rivers and seas just to make you feel safe. Think about it. While you’re in school, they’re fighting for you. While you’re at baseball practice, they’re fighting for you. Same with when you’re eating dinner, at a party, watching television, or anything like that. Even throughout the night as you are laying there on your bed sound asleep, these guys and gals are wide awake keeping watch over you and everyone else in the country. They are willing to lay down their life. Many die for us, many lose arms or legs for us, many miss their child’s birth, miss their parents’ death. These people are determined to do what it takes to keep every single one of us here today from having what happens to them, happen to us. That’s just a small portion of why I appreciate our veterans. I hope you do too.
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Regards; Team

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