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[tw: this prompt may contain mention of underage drinking. Unestablished Muggle High School AU, Draco and Harry are teammates for their school football/soccer team. They're civil enough, but tensions are high, due to the mutual pining and the fact that they both want to be captain for the upcoming season. The season just ended and the team did well, prompt set morning after a victory party] I woke up in your jersey and I'm not sure I want to know why, but I do want my shirt back. Bring it to Monday's practice. DM

[newly established Drarry, Muggle AU, summer before uni. Sent at 2AM] My parents just boarded their flight so naturally I borrowed the Benz for a joy ride. Should I pick you up? DM

[tw: this prompt contains mentions of homophobia. Wrong number Muggle AU. Prompt set during summer break before Upper 6th/senior year, Draco is 17 in this prompt] If I hear one more joke where the punchline is some variation of "Draco is gay" at this goddamn reunion, I swear to God, I'm going to follow through with my threat of disappearing in the States. DM

[established (married) Drarry, post-war. Draco and Harry are raising Teddy, who's just started primary school] I've been thinking. Teddy's away at school all the time and I don't know... We should have another kid. DM

[unestablished post-hogwarts AU with mutual pining. Harry works as an Auror and Draco is his primary Healer, so they frequently interact with each other after Harry's missions] How is that gash on your back holding up? I only released you from Mungo's early because you promised to take care of yourself and if I find out otherwise, I'll kill you. DM

[18+ established Drarry, dom Harry/sub Draco. Please let me know limits and kinks you'd like incorporated and whether you'd like this to be a Muggle!AU or magic!] I know I'm in trouble for mouthing off the other day but if I say please and Harry in the same sentence, will you let me come? DM

[Wrong number Muggle AU. Prompt set during summer break before Upper 6th/senior year, Draco is 17 in this prompt, it's up to you if they know each other or are complete strangers!] I'm having a horrible day, and it's not melodrama this time. I'm technically grounded, can you sneak in tonight? DM

[18+ established Drarry, dom Harry/sub Draco. Please let me know limits and kinks you'd like incorporated and whether you'd like this to be a Muggle!AU or magic!] So do you have anything to do with the notification I just got for same-delivery on leather cuffs and a vibrating plug? HP

[Wolfstar AU where they adopt Harry after James' and Lily's deaths on the terms that they don't let Harry know about magic until he absolutely needs to know. It's up to you if this is a point of tension between Remus and Sirius, angst or fluff welcome!] So we have a bit of an issue. Harry woke up from his nap early. SB

[Muggle Wolfstar AU where the two adopt Harry after James' and Lily's death. Harry is around preschool age] Harry refuses to eat any of the four lunches I cooked and he says he wants to eat with you. I told him you weren't here, and now he's looking around the house for you, please send help. SB

[unestablished Muggle Uni AU with mutual pining] rems, r u coming to the party or not? u promised u would yesterday. SB

[unestablished Wolfstar with mutual pining, 7th year, set the morning after a small party where Sirius drank a little too much and drunkenly admitted to Remus the feelings he had] James told me what I told you last night. I'm really sorry about that, we can just pretend it didn't happen. SB

[18+ established Wolfstar, dom Remus and sub/brat Sirius. Please let me know limits/kinks you'd like incorporated and whether you'd like this to be a Muggle!AU or magic] I'm going to be on my knees as soon as you open the door, just a little warning for you. SB

[unestablished Muggle Uni AU with mutual pining. Sirius is a forensic student with a minor in art (headcanons for Remus always welcome!) His sketchbook, with a few sketches of his friends and more than a few of Remus, has been missing for two days, and Sirius has been on edge since] James said he saw you with my book. Give it the fuck back, Lupin, that's my property. SB

[Muggle high school AU, Hypothetically speaking, what would you tell me to do if I ziptied all the desks in Minnie's classroom together, now keep in mind this is all highly theoretical, because I am an intelligent person and would /never/ do this, but what if my left hand was now ziptied to a desk leg? SB
And the scissors are across the room? And Minnie's going to walk in any minute? And I'm /ziptied/ to a group of twenty desks? SB
What does one do then? SB

[AU where Remus' parents decided against sending him to Hogwarts, opting for a Muggle education and teaching him some magic at home. Remus bought enchanted parchment at Diagon Alley with the promise that it's match would be sold to a random stranger. Remus is roughly 17 in this RP] So is anyone actually on the other end of this thing? RL

[tw: mentions of drug use, specifically marijuana. Muggle Uni AU, Remus and Sirius are acquaintances through James and Lily, but rarely talk. I play Remus as an English major with a Communications minor, headcanons for Sirius more than welcome! Remus meant to text Lily, but accidentally texted Sirius] I'm gonna go home after class, roll a blunt, and cry for an hour because I hate my English professor. Care to join? RL

[unestablished Wolfstar in their sixth year. Mutual pining with heavy flirting, at this point it's just waiting to see who will admit feelings first] Yet another jumper is missing from my trunk. Am I right in assuming you suspect? RL

[Strangers to lovers Muggle AU] Hey, if you're seeing this, I found your dog in the park this morning. I took him home and gave him water and some food. Whenever you want to pick him up is totally fine. RL

[18+ established Wolfstar, dom Remus/sub Sirius. Please let me know limits/kinks you'd like incorporated and whether you'd like this to be a Muggle!AU or magic] I teased you quite a bit before I left for work, didn't I? How are you holding up, love? RL

LOGS (pt 1) (pt 2) (pt 3) (pt 4)

[...] Would you like to do it again? SB
Because I left my bag in there. SB

That wasn't very bright of you. RL

No kidding. SB
I'm a dead man. SB
Don't let my mother bury me in the family graveyard. SB

Stranger: I cannot guarantee anything of the sort. Perhaps you should ask the intended recipient of your cry for help? ~RL

You: I don't know where he /is/. SB
God, I'm a dead man if she finds that bag. SB
Oh, I'm going to die. SB

Stranger: Not the slightest bit dramatic, are you? ~RL
Is there no possibility you could go back and grab it before she comes back? Potentially finding you in there wouldn't be any worse, surely. ~RL

You: I'm not /dramatic/, you don't understand. SB
Minnie, who you've never had the lovely pleasure of meeting, is terrifying. SB
She could kill me with her laser pointer. SB
No, it's too late now. SB

You: [just for reference, im always under the tag dhwsrp if we disconnect or i need to go :) ]

Stranger: I suggest you start praying to your higher power of choice. ~RL

You: Oh, God, praying, you sound like Wally. SB

Stranger: [...] I'm not even going to ask at this point. ~RL

You: My mum. SB
Okay, maybe she won't notice the neon green bag right by the door. SB

Stranger: If that's what you need to tell yourself, I suppose. ~RL

You: And maybe she won't notice the sharpie drawings on it. SB

Stranger: I feel as though this is one of those things that I should not be curious about, but I very much am. ~RL

You: Curious about what? SB
My death? How Minnie is going to kill me with detentions? SB

Stranger: Well, yes. The drawings, the homicide, the stranger messaging me instead of one of their actual friends. ~RL
All of the above. ~RL

You: I'm not contacting Peter, for Christ's sake. He doesn't know up from down! SB
And James is probably off with Lily. SB
Oh my God, she's going to look through it. SB
She's gonna find the key ring. SB
Do you know any good lawyers? SB
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