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“GENERAL! Unknown mobile suit coming fast its 200 meters appears to be..oh god..its another gundam!” Mari screamed panicking

“Autumn you have a gundam approaching quick, sources say its the leader of black forest. Captain Reginald” The general said

“150 meters sir….120...90...80…..40.. EVERYONE TAKE COVER” Mari Screamed

No one had time to warm Autumn and without warning she was in trouble. Reginald came charging it and slammed into her resulting in her to go sliding into the ground and slamming into the towers in HQ. The smoke and debris cleared revealing Reginald and his onyx gundam, it was built like a tank and hit like one too. Autumn forced her self up only to notice her gundams right leg took damage but not enough to keep her from fighting.

“Hello sweetheart, I see you are responsible for many deaths of my men. Now its my turn” Reginald said in a snarky tone. He launched himself at Autumn with his sword but she acted fast and pulled hers out to block him.
“Missy you have been a real pain my ass from day one, I wish you would let me take out quickly”.

Autumn kicked him back outside the base and for minutes on end all they did was trade blows from each other's swords. They were locked on each other refusing to stop, not like they showed signs of it anytime soon. Watching mobile suits fight so smoothly was a beautiful sight, even with the circumstances it didn't matter because it was like a ballet with these two. This is where things got really dangerous not only for these two but everyone around them.

“Sir we have a problem...a big..problem.. Autumns triggered Scarletts core!. This is dangerous” Mari said. “Autumn may not be able to withstand the power of that core yet, it could destroy her mind and she could go ballistic sir” Mari looked at the general.


The General stared at the screen frozen in place “..May god have mercy on their souls..”. Scarlett’s eyes turned red and her ventilation shafts opened letting steam out, Autumn screamed from the pain of the the core coursing through her body. She grabbed Reginald and slammed him into the ground and relentlessly started swinging and with every punch the force of them grew stronger. The cores power started to rip her mental state apart, she stopped punching and backed up stumbling she put her hands on her head as she started screaming and destroying everything. Seconds later the tide of battle changed drastically as she turned around over the coms everyone heard the most heartbreaking gasp come from her mouth. Reginald grabbed scarlett by its throat and ever so slowly started squeezing

“...You are a nuisance and I am tired of your shit, this is where you die and it seems like I may be doing everyone a favor”.

His grip got stronger and on the screens everyone was watching, the room was silent and all that could be heard was Autumn struggling and screaming out for help.
Mari covered her mouth with tears rolling down her face as she watched in agony not being able to help.

“” Mari mumbled to herself as she looked away

Autumn pulled out her rifle and shoved it into his gundam

“...I’m taking you to hell with me, Shithead”

Autumn pulled the trigger and it emitted a pulse of energy causing them both to fly back damaging their gundams completely.
It was silent and the sun was setting, Mari jumped out of her chair with tears down her face

“NO WHAT HAPPENED?! get everything back on screen now! her vitals are still reading.”

Scarlett’s cockpit opened up releasing steam and with it Autumn who fell to the ground. Her face was covered in blood and she was stumbling as she walked over to Reginalds gundam. She climbed up onto the chest and made her way to the cockpit barely even being able to stand, his cockpit opened and with it a gunshot into Autumn knocking her off and slamming onto the ground. Reginald jumped down and watched Autumn crawling away as a blood trail followed her

“You are pretty strong for a female who has taken such a beating..its ashame, you would have made a great soldier for me” He said.

He stood over Autumn and pulled her up by her hair and looked her in the eyes “Have fun in hell”
Autumn started screaming as his dug his knife into her. As she screamed louder the sound around them started to drown out, then silence fell and it seemed as in that one second time stopped and debri was floating around them

“ i'll be seeing you there” She whispered with tears running down her face

A massiveenergy pulse shot out from her and it ripped up Reginald from the inside out breaking his bones and bursted his organs. As sound returned the bodies dropped and smoke covered the scene, a beautiful death is what it was. Silence fell in the comms room as Mari fell to her knees and started to hysterically cry

“...Decommission her mobile suit..” The General said with his head down

S..Sir no i wi-”
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