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Emperor Belos had sent both me and the Golden Guard out on a mission, he wanted us to capture a sea monster, the 'Selkidomus', I had heard about it, Selkidomus is a peaceful and harmless creature, there was no reason to hurt it, but I didn't dare to ask what it was for.

As soon as we learned that the famous human and her little pet would be on the ship, we made a plan.

When a wave hit the ship I saw the doors open and a little creature entered, he focused fully on the Kraken Crisps that were on the table, soon he found a letter. THE letter.

He lit up the place, and realized this ship belonged to the emperor, "Oh boy, I gotta tell Luz!"

"I don't think so.." I captured him and used my staff to get us out of there, I used my staff to turn invisible and levitate around the boat, the human captured the Selkidomus but it soon escaped when the ship was robbed by none other than the Owl Lady.

The human went after her and to a nearby island, I flew us to the island, "That can still be arranged," when I got there I noticed the Golden Guard had gotten there before me.

"Hello criminals, what's about to happen should be relatively painless, if you just do what we say,"

"And why would we do that?"

"Because none of you can use real magic,"

"You don't know that!" The Owl Lady pointed accusingly at us, "Maybe not, though I do know that you should watch your step," they looked down to see a flesh-eating plant.

"Okay, the human will remain a sailor to repay all the money she lost, while the Owl Lady would be arrested again, for attacking one of the Emperor's ships."

"Emperor ships?" I'm guessing the human really was too stupid to know that, "They're the only ones worth robbing. Why are you guys hunting the Selkidomus? It's a peaceful creature and you're provoking it."

"Emperor's orders, we don't make the rules."

They both tried attacking us, but without magic, they're useless, "Alright, why don't we make a deal, we'll forget this little incident, but in return, you have to slay the Selkidomus."

They still didn't give in, "Alright," I picked up the small cage, "You want motivation? Here you go," I lifted up the blanket covering the cage to reveal the small demon. "Fine, we'll do it."

"How long do you think they'll last?"

"Without magic? Not much."

I sighed, "I do hope they slay the beast, I don't want to get my hands dirty."

"You're just lazy, the Emperor's orders were to slay the beast, if you can't even follow simple orders then you should be in a another coven."

I scoffed, "Says you, I mean, making a human and the powerless Old Lady do the dirty work?"

"They're doing us a favor, would you rather do it yourself?"

"Why do I always get stuck with you of all people in missions."

"I could say the same." The human came back with the dead beast, "Now give me King!"

"Whatever." I threw the cage, the human let go of the beast and ran to catch the cage.

"Thank you for your service, you can find your own way home. And try to stay out of trouble, the Emperor is not a merciful man."

We got on our staffs and flew back to the Emperor's coven, we entered the room where the Emperor was, working on the portal I assumed.

"Emperor Belos, we have slayed the Selkidomus as you ordered." I looked up at him, his back was facing us, he focused on the portal.

"Emperor, how's the portal?" I heard him sigh, "Good job on your mission, fortunately, I am not far from finishing the portal... you both go rest and wait until further instructions." With that we left.
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