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Laser Hair Removal Myths and Facts

High-tech laser hair removal uses pulses of laser beams or intense light flashes to kill follicles within the active growth phase. Multiple treatments are usually required over the compilation of visits to be able to attack and destroy follicles while they cycle from the resting phase and into the active growth phase.

This form of removal is best suited on patients with light skin and dark hair, but choices available for a variety of genetic differences. There are many myths surrounding laser laser hair removal results. While it is impossible to assure permanent removal, you should discuss your expectations and concerns with a qualified specialist or doctor. They will be able to adequately address the questions you have and make sure your expectations are realistic.

Since laser treatments effectively get rid of the follicle and prevent it from re-entering the active growth phase, hair will NOT grow back lighter following your procedure. This type of treatment only removes dark hair and will not affect "peachfuzz". Nor will it customize the hair structure in a follicle from type to a new.

There are many unwanted effects associated with laser removal. Common mild unwanted side effects include redness, itchiness, numbness, or tingling. Rare plus more serious risks may involve burning, scarring, hypo- or hyper-pigmentation, blistering, scab formation, infection, and purpura or bruise development. Often these results are temporary and will heal as time passes as well as a proper post-operative care routine.

Hair will fall out 10-14 days after treatment. Using visit our website inside shower can help exfoliate dead cells. Unlike electrolysis, laser may be used to treat large areas of skin at once. Treating the whole back, chest, shoulders, or arms may take under two hours. Laser treatment does not work on fine, light hairs from the face, lip and chin. Most appointments are spaced four to six weeks apart and many patients require six or more sessions to determine 70-80% decrease in hair growth.

Preparation with this sort of procedure involves shaving the afternoon of your treatment or 3 days before. The pulsed light seems like a rubber band snapping against your skin layer and several areas of the body may hurt more than others. Many doctors and specialists recommend taking ibuprofen or using 4% lidocaine spray ahead of the treatment session. Be sure to have confidence in procedure which has a highly-qualified and experienced specialist. This will ensure you receive pre- and post-operative care along with achieve desired results.

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