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What is an affordable laptop that isn't Dell?

"I have a family group of 4"for 5 million bucks for 5 children. 1000000 per child. Two are 18+ and acquire income right away. Newer 3 may dwell with among the parent. Just how much will the bank reduce each month to care for the younger children (7Car Insurance! I dont get it!?

Inexpensive motor insurance?

"If u ruined a $5000 carI've group of 1 child

Receiving insurance under my name?


"I am a 16 year old dude buying a car. I've been buying a couple weeks now and I've observed vehicles that are various cost distinct quantities to insure. Furthermore I was looking for a used car that's around 3000$. Therefore I was questioning generally speaking what type of automobile (body styleDo auto insurance costs godown in the period you have you license even although you do not have car insurance?

"It is for me personallyI have a preexisting condition rendering it tough to get affordable Health-Insurance. I've found that it's better sometimes to possess no insurance then to own it and not get quality protection. The indemnity insurance that is limited doesn't address what it's worth to go to the hosipital. Gives $100 over a $4000 bill.

What insurance providers contact sports cars?

Florida health insurance?

Insurance provider won't give me enough cash obtain a fresh one or to repair my car -- what do I do?!?

" When I initially moved to Florida three years agoWhat sort of medical care insurance can an unemployed 19 year get?

"Recently I only bought a car and I'm trying to find great deals on motor insurance in the MN area or wherever. I've put on nearly four different insurance companies to have free online quotes (ex: esuranceIs there a choice for auto-insurance for in the event your vehicle 2 to 3 times monthly is only driven by you?

How much does your car insurance cost? (teens)?

insurance for 350z ?

What is the cheapest specific healthinsurance strategy in Florida?

What is 2004 nissan 350z insurance cost in Arizona?

How do I get auto insurance for a vehicle not within my name?

"Must ensure two vehicles in america with a British drivers license. Three estimates so far allover $1500 for 6 months!! Anybody know of a good co. who can do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. For not having people drivers being penalised

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