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Hello Lee.
I was looking forward to reading from you again.
No need for any more apologies, you are not obliged to answer me at all, let alone answering "faster". so any time is perfectly fine.

My answer was " isn't that the essence of solitude? to be on your own." i guess. or something like that. Short and Obscure, yet meaningful, i did not mean for it to be irritating at all.

I know you did not reach where you are easily, I did not say you ll reach this far by reading articles or philosophy books, I too, have never read any of it, I have said that it requires a lot of solitary time and deep thought, it is the only way to achieve this sort of understanding. i don't believe any knowledge we acquire through books or learning in general is meant to last or be fully fathomed therefore affect us on a long term. It is only the things we experience/discover and unravel ourselves that do last and we completely understand, or as you said through "a great deal of introspection and contemplation". -I admire your vocabulary-.

Not for me. My sadness is not heavy. It's due to my pride as i said. whatever it is i cause myself, i'm okay with it no matter how heavy it gets, i ll handle it. But if i ever feel just a tiny bit miserable because of somebody else i get really fucked up -excuse my french-, even though i know it's just an ephemeral emotion and it shall pass, unlike my everlasting woe that lives with me constantly due to my loneliness.

I did not mean that what you said was what i wanted to hear, i was explaining what i felt while reading your words and how i strongly felt connected to them. and also the reason behind the links. I know it was not in anyway related to me, for you have went deeper than i have ever wrote or talked about in my answers. I never brought sadness into my words about solitude, i never brought the struggle one must suffer in order to decipher our emotions and comprehend them, maybe i did, but i did not go in deeper into the subject the way you did.

No, I do not give this website to everyone, i only give it to those who seem to want to express and talk about a topic but are limited. Including you, i have only gave it to 3 people since i joined ask. And you are the 1st one i answer using it. I usually just type my answer in ask directly to the link they sent. however, respecting your wish of privacy, i answered you here as well. and i am loving it, it reminds me of good old times when i used to write letters/emails to my beloved ones. it almost feels as if i am writing an actual letter with all of it's sensation and warmth of heart.

3rd you said? Now i'm curious as to whom you have revealed your remarkable character to before me.
I, too, am glad our paths have intersected. A persona as beautiful as yours, i do not mind remembering forever.

Please Stop saying "enduring this" it did get me a tiny bit annoyed the first time, and now, it did get me a lil bit more annoyed for i have LOVED this. a 3rd time, and i ll be greatly annoyed by it.

Thank you for taking the time to write and read this as well.
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