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"Mind Over Matter" - Learn How To Use This Principle In Healing

Everything is energy, whether you can perceive it or otherwise not. The stuff near you is energy (chairs, TV, computers, food, etc). Your thoughts will also be energy. The difference involving the matter you can perceive along with the energy you'll be able to't see and/or touch is in the frequency of vibration. Low frequencies (i.e. slow vibration) are sign of dense matter, whereas thoughts have higher vibratory frequencies.

The bodymind is a bundle of energies with different vibratory rate. get more (muscles, ligaments, connective tissue, etc.) has slow vibratory rate, hence it falls within the array of a persons perception. Chakras, meridians and acupuncture points, conversely, represent faster vibratory frequencies and thus fall not in the array of our perception. The endocrine system is somewhere in-between.

Although the human body represents a large spectrum of vibratory frequencies, roughly we can easily distinguish between five different levels towards the bodymind:

• Bliss Body (the very best level)

• Supramental Body

• Mental Body

• Vital Body

• Physical body (the lowest level)

The Physical Body, the lowest level, is undoubtedly the human anatomy - the bits and pieces you are able to touch and see understanding that hurt when you injure them. The next level up will be the Vital Body which can be represented from the chakras, meridians as well as other similar energies. Next up we've the Mental Body, the Supramental Body, and lastly the Bliss Body towards the top - these represent mental performance rolling around in its various states (conscious, unconscious, superconscious, etc).

Quantum physics argues towards the principle of "Downward Causation". Applied to the five levels above, this principle states how the cause of manifestation at any given level is available at the advanced. Thus, the Bliss Body (i.e. higher consciousness) is at the foundation in the reason for manifestation from the physical body. Another way of stating that is "Mind Over Matter".

Thus, "Mind over Matter" is the popular version in the quantum principle of Downward Causation. From this principle it makes sense any time your head is healthy, one's body will be healthy. When the mind is sick, your body is likewise sick.

Given the principle of Downward Causation, it follows that whenever you do a therapy on a certain level, you can influence the in any respect with the lower levels of the bodymind. For instance, should you treat the Vital Body, you'll help heal the Physical Body since the former produces the latter.

Given Downward Causation what's more, it follows that in order for a therapy to work, it requires to touch at the very least two levels from the bodymind (for the reason that reason for an imbalance at a level is obviously located in a higher-level).

Thus, taking care of the Physical Body often results in temporary healing because what's inducing the physical imbalance is actually definition somewhere around the higher levels. Conventional medicine and other medications mainly make an effort to heal the Physical Body. Such treatments give us mostly symptomatic relief and will almost never take care of the main cause for disease.

Therapies like Acupuncture and Reiki, however, are aimed to help remedy the Vital Body. Therefore, they can bring about are more durable healing of the Physical Body being that they are working with more causative factors. Some sophisticated types of counselling and psychotherapy work for the Mental Body through extension can result in alterations in the Vital as well as the Physical Body - this will make them more effective.

According to quantum physicist Amit Goswami from What The Bleep Do We Know, the only real therapy currently that utilizes quantum principles and works about the Supramental Body is BodyTalk PaRama. The Bliss Body can't be treated presently and maybe doesn't require any treatment to begin with.

So whether you would like to be scientific and discuss "Downward Causation" or stick on the old "Mind Over Matter", the content could be the same - subtle, higher vibratory energies (i.e. mind) include the cause for manifestation of denser, slower vibratory energies (i.e. matter). Therefore, if you want to heal the cause for a physical imbalance, you'll want to approach your head. To do that, energy drugs are the best longterm option. It may take longer nonetheless it will be more effective in the long run.

Of course in case there is emergencies, you should use allopathic medicine - it could do wonders for the short term plus it still plays an essential role in our life (whenever we didn't demand it, it wouldn't exist). Long term though, utilize a type of energy healing or integrative medicine (Auyrveda, Reiki, Acupuncture, Psych-K, NLP, BodyTalk, etc.). Such therapies can help you heal existing ailments effectively. But most importantly they are also great preventative healthcare as you is going to be able to address imbalances about the subtler (more difficult to perceive) levels before they manifest for the physical level.

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