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Beyond Photorealism: Conveying Emotion and Sense of Place Through Rendering

Beyond Photorealism: Conveying Emotion and Sense of Place Through Rendering

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Photorealistic renderings today will be the standard. They may be done quickly, cheaply, and clients expect them. But are these renderings truly accomplishing what they set out to do? Those on the forefront of new 3D design techniques argue that, as an industry, we?ve gotten stuck on conveying information, when what we should really bring to the table is emotion. Now that the playing field has evened with regards to technological capability and hyper-realism, what?s the next step? By introducing an emotional layer and developing a sense of place, renderings can offer even more value to a project, firm, client, and community.

All architectural visualization can be categorized as either ?informative? or ?emotional.? While informative might include construction documents and BIM models, on the emotional side are the napkin sketches and the abstract paintings meant to convey a building?s concept and experiential qualities. Both have distinct purposes: you wouldn?t present a construction detail to sway public opinion any more than you?d hand a contractor ink-covered napkins. Photorealistic rendering, however, begun to blur the line and continues to take action more and more as designers find new ways to inject emotion into the final product.

Visualization firm Ten Over Media borrows techniques from the world of film to make their renderings and marketing videos more relatable to viewers. By introducing ?lifestyle details? (which may haven't any inherent bearing on the architectural design itself), such as ambient sounds, a view of a sunset, or just a camera resting on a chair, they?ve found a lot more engagement from their audience. The art of utilizing the architecture as a ?set? rather than the star of the show gives people more of a connection to what life would look like in that space.

Utilizing the same approach of conveying emotion, Dutch architect Paul Spaltman was able to go beyond the connection having an individual user and instead used rendering to draw in collaborators and the complete community for a project in Suriname. Through his visuals, the community was able to get a sense of these shared endeavor, ?They could note that the project wasn?t just a dream, but one step further,? wrote Spaltman. Rather than being the final product in themselves, these kind of renderings are instead used as an instrument and a foundation on which to build other opportunities.

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