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Cat Care Tips For YOUR ENTIRE Friend's Life Stages!

Cats can make absolutely delightful pets. You need to, however, know how to properly care for them. It is not as simple as you may think. This article is packed with helpful cat care information and advice. Read on to learn several cat care tips it is possible to apply to ensure that your sweet kitty enjoys a healthy life.

To greatly help prevent tapeworm infestation in cats, feed a small amount of food grade diatomaceous earth for two weeks out of each month. In regards to a quarter of a teaspoon per cat per day is adequate. Food grade diatomaceous earth kills internal parasites and causes them to be expelled from the machine.

Cats love to squeeze into tiny spots. If your cat wears a collar they could get hurt, and stuck. A collar that is clearly a breakaway model will detach itself if it gets pulled on. This assists to save a couple of your cat's nine lives.

To help keep your cat healthy and strengthen its bond with you, always reserve plenty of play time. Kittens especially need lots of attention, that you can easily share with them through play. Pull a bit of string around for a fun and gentle way to keep a cat entertained all night!

As your cat gets older, changes in behavior may signal pain. If your cat doesn't prefer to jump or climb any more, it can be in pain. If your cat stops taking care of grooming or stops which consists of litter box, pain could be the cause. Make sure to have your older cat tested by your vet if you notice behavior changes.

Cats and electrical cords don't mix. If you notice your cat has a habit of chewing on electric cords, try to bundle them up and hide them out from the cat's reach. If that's extremely hard, spray a small amount of bitter apple onto the cords. Not merely is bitter apple non-toxic, cats absolutely hate the taste.

Make sure you have an excellent pet carrier or basket for transporting your cats in one location to the next. An effective carrier or basket must have enough room to allow them to turn around in comfortably. It will also be an easy task to clean. Make sure that it is lined with a blanket, cushion, or towel to greatly help it stay comfortable and cozy for them when traveling.

Make your own enclosed kitty litter box from the large tote box with a lid. Work with a coffee can lid as a pattern to cut a door in one side of the tote. Place the coffee can lid fairly high up on the medial side of the tote. Trace around it with a permanent marker. Cut right out the circle with tin snips or a box cutter. Add litter. Put on the lid.

Use petting to be sure of your cat's health. Petting isn't just a way for you and your cat to invest time together, but it is a great way to find anything abnormal on the body. It is possible to pet them to feel for bumps, lumps, or sores. That is also a great time that you should check their ears.

It is very important only feed your kitten food specifically made for kittens. Kitten food contains more fat and protein to help keep your growing cats body healthy. Adult cat food is leaner and is not specially formulated exactly the same way as the kitten food. Your kitten will grow really fast in a short time-frame, so it's important that they eat right.

Cats can be great pets for children, however, many younger children might be a bit too rough with cats. You must show your children how the cat should be treated. Teach them which activities are good and how exactly to properly pick your cat up. A cat's bones aren't as strong as a dogs, and they ought to be treated more gently.

Having trouble giving your cat a bath? Try this. Take an old window screen and put it in your sink or bathtub. Put your cat in, and he will claw the screen and stay there. Then start washing, but do don't dilly dally. Use a cup to help you to pour warm water on your own cat unless you have a movable shower head.

As mentioned in the opening of the article, provided that you know how to properly care for them, cats make great pets. Study each of the info contained in this article, and apply what you figure out how to make sure that your favorite kitty enjoys an excellent life. With just a little effort you will be a purr-fect cat owner.

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