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The government is proposing new rules that come to effect from 6 April 2013 that will put UK residence for tax purposes on a statutory footing, rather than counting on HMRC guidelines and case law. In principle this is a sensible move and will provide certainty for anybody unsure at present whether they qualify as being non-resident in the united kingdom for tax purposes. Nevertheless the rules are complex and also have attracted some criticism because of this.

Under the current rules you're resident in the UK in the event that you spend 183 days or even more in the UK and you also could be resident if you spend more than 90 days on average. Beneath the new rules you will see no more four-year average and if you spend more than 3 months in the UK in virtually any tax year you will continually be considered to be resident. As before, you need to be away from the UK for a whole tax year in order to qualify as non-resident and a day counts as being a day on the UK if you are here at midnight on that day.

However, the new law is generally designed to leave most people in exactly the same position as previously and that means you are unlikely to find your position suddenly altered. It is important though that you understand the new test of residence and non-residence. There are three sections of the test that have to be considered to be able. In other words, when you are definitely non-resident based on Part A, then you need not consider parts B and C.

So, we think the majority of our clients ought to be still covered by the provision in Part A you are non-resident for those who have left the UK to carry out full-time work abroad and are present in the united kingdom for less than 91 days in the tax year no more than 20 days are spent working in the UK in the tax year. Here though will be the three elements of the test.

Part A: You're definitely non-resident if:

You were not resident in the UK for the previous 3 tax years and within the UK for under 46 days in today's tax year; or You were resident in the UK in one or more of the prior 3 tax years but present in the UK for less than 16 days in the current tax year; or You have left the UK to handle full-time work abroad and provided you were present in the united kingdom for fewer than 91 days in the tax year no more than 20 days are spent working in the united kingdom in the tax year. Training covered by your employer and used the UK will undoubtedly be considered work and this will undoubtedly be taken from your 20 day working allowance.

Part B: You're definitely resident if:

You are present in the united kingdom for 183 days or even more in a tax year; or You have only one home and that home is in the united kingdom or have more homes and all of these are in the united kingdom; or You carry out full-time work in the UK.

Part C: If your situation isn't described in Parts A and B then you need to compare the quantity of days spent in the UK against a small number of clearly defined connection factors. These connection factors are as follows:

Family- your partner or civil partner or common law equivalent (provided you are not separated from their website) or minor children are resident in the UK. Accommodation - you have accessible accommodation in the united kingdom and makes use of it during the tax year (at the mercy of exclusions for some types of accommodation). Substantive work in the united kingdom - you do substantive work in the united kingdom i.e. a lot more than forty days in the tax year but do not work full-time in the united kingdom. UK presence in previous years - you spent a lot more than 90 days in the united kingdom in either of the prior two tax years and you spend more days in the UK in the tax year than in any other single country.

These connection factors are then coupled with day counting to find out whether you are resident or non-resident. You can find two categories, arrivers and leavers.

If you weren't resident in any of the previous three tax years - 'Arrivers':

Fewer than 46 days in UK: Always non-resident. 46 - 3 months: Resident if 4 or more connection factors. 91 - 120 days: Resident if 3 or even more connection factors. 121 - 182 days: Resident if 2 or more connection factors. 183 days or more: Always resident.

If you were resident in one or more of the three tax years immediately prior to the tax year under consideration - 'Leavers':

Fewer than 16 days in UK: Always non-resident. 16 - 45 days: Resident if 4 or even more connection factors. 46 - 90 days: Resident if 3 or even more connection factors. 91 - 120 days: Resident if 2 or even more connection factors. 121 - 182 days: Resident if you can find 1 or more connection factors. 183 days or even more: Always resident

When the Finance Bill is produced there could be some changes to the legislation and much more detail may emerge, but there's been considerable consultation in fact it is sensible to prepare for the brand new rules now. If that is relevant to your situation you should take professional advice to ensure you don't fall foul of the new legislation.

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