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It was a dark, windy night and I Emerald Green, (I know right, why name your child Emerald if your last name is Green, but that is another story for another time) was stuck in a musty room full of fake bloody handprints. At this point you must feel lost. Well let me start from the beginning. It all started when I had no money, no family, and was 16 in the middle of Miami. Nah I’m just kidding. I was 19 and was a struggling actress making her way to stardom. I was auditioning for the role of widowed landlady for a soap opera whose name I can’t remember, and I caught the eye of a fellow in his 40’s looking for an actress for a T.V show about paranormal sightings. I didn’t get the role for the landlady, but I did bag the role of a 19 year old girl who walks around in the dark. Taking this back to where we are now, I was stuck in a room with spider webs and sweaty men who smelt like rotten cheese. We were “capturing” paranormal activity on camera, but it was really just Bart the director flashing around lights and making creepy noises. Suddenly the lights stopped flashing. We all stopped talking and just stood in silence for a few seconds. “Bart I swear if you’re playing a prank on us I will eat all the donuts you hide from the rest of the cast” yelled Bob the cameraman #2 (#1 is no longer alive). I was beginning to feel anxious because of all the tension in the air. All of a sudden it was getting harder to breathe and I felt like I was going to pass out. Good news is that the lights just flashed back on. But the bad news is that I was all alone in the room. The room seemed to be cleaner; there were no fake bloody handprints on the wall and no more spider webs. But there was a little door in front of me that wasn’t there when we were setting up the room. I looked around for the exit but there seemed to be no way out other than the little door. The room was completely concealed. Now let me remind you that I was in an old abandoned warehouse that was just decorated to look creepier. But I still had a bad feeling about the door ahead; it just seemed to be giving off a bad vibe. But as anyone would do in a situation like this, I summoned all of my courage and opened the door. As I entered the air got thicker and the door behind me shut. What was in front of me was more disturbing though, it was Bart on the ground with an axe through his head. At first I thought that it had to be some sort of sick, cruel joke so I walked up to him. I slowly turned his head around and his hands shot up and grabbed my face. I screamed as if I had just fallen off a cliff. Bart’s eyes rolled back into his head and he said that they were coming. Right after, he dropped his arms and fell to the ground one again. The lights shut off and I was dragged by something onto the ground. I screamed as loud as I could and tried fighting it and getting away, but the creatures grip just tightened. Pretty soon it came to halt and left me on the ground in the darkness. I fumbled around in the darkness for a while, and then I found my beloved flashlight. I shone the flashlight in utter darkness and what I heard were small footsteps scurrying along. Frightened, I dropped the flashlight and it broke on impact. The was a source of light that seemed to be coming from the far right corner of the room and I walked to it cautiously. As I got closer the light seemed to be spreading to every corner of the room. When the room was finally lit I spotted a mirror and walked to it expected to see my frazzled reflection. What I saw was like a dead, decayed bloody version of me. Out of nowhere I heard knocking on glass. Surprised and terrified at the same time, Iooked around. I couldn’t find the source of the knocking, but that’s when it hit me, the knocking came from behind me. I spun around dramatically, getting some hair in my mouth in the process. But none the less, it was flawless. I stared at the mirror for a while, but then, I heard it again. And it was coming from the mirror. I tired walking back slowly, but it was like I was glued to the ground. I heard a voice from somewhere in the room saying “they’re coming” and right after, the glass shattered. Stunned, I stood there. And a black figure came out from the shattered pieces and latched onto my leg. I tried kicking it off frantically, but it was like a tattoo stuck on my body. I heard footsteps coming towards me and I ran out of the room as fast as my legs could take me. I managed to escape the abandoned warehouse and grab a random bike leaning on a stop sign and cycle home. That was a few days ago. I needed to get this off my chest so I was typing it up on my computer. The creature was still latched onto me, but not on my leg it was sitting on my neck getting heavier as I typed each sentence. I can hear its skin stretching as it smiles with its razor sharp teeth and drools slightly on the back of my neck. I haven’t eaten in days, or slept at all. I could just fall asleep right now, but you see I can’t. You know when you’re sleeping and you have the sensation of falling, and you suddenly jerk awake? Your brain jerks you awake because it thinks you’re dying. Well if I fall asleep, I’ll start falling, and this time, I won’t wake up.lick here ...
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