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How to Rent an Email List?
Rent an email list is very different from just email lists buy. When you buy an existing email list, you have full ownership of the email addresses and therefore have the complete right to use it however you like. However, email list renting is for a singular campaign only. Let's talk about both the types of lists - those you buy, and those you rent.

Most businesses that rent their email lists do so for very simple reasons - lack of space, or perhaps to save a little money. There are many business owners that would love to get a massive list, but the truth is, unless you have a huge advertising budget, you probably don't have the space for an enormous email list. It's very expensive to purchase email lists - buying one large list can cost thousands of dollars - and even then it's not guaranteed that your advertising campaign will work. Renting an email addresses rental campaign is a much more affordable solution.

To rent an email list is to rent an email list for a campaign - it is not an 'end all' solution. Some rent lists aren't really intended to be used for any purpose in particular. A pop-up might look like an ideal place for your ad, but in fact it's just a distraction, and the majority of people who see your ad won't click through. You need to focus on converting visitors into leads, before focusing on clicks.

When you rent an email list, it is generally recommended that you pay a small one-off fee. There is usually a set amount of hours (or days) during which you can rent the list. These are generally referred to as 'days', and it is typically up to you to decide whether you want to keep this email address indefinitely, or only during a specified number of days. This is also generally a choice you'll have to make when you rent an email list from email list rental companies.

There are a number of advantages to renting when you are deciding whether to rent an email list. The first is the relatively small outlay in terms of both money and time - it is comparatively cheap. There are also no legal headaches if you decide later on that you wish to end the contract early. If renting was an option at the start when internet marketing was new, it would have been an obvious one. At present however, with many internet marketing solutions available online, the option of renting may seem like a dated one. However, in some circles it is still quite popular, and for those looking for a simple and cheap way of getting a steady stream of traffic and leads into their business, it remains a practical option.

List rental has other advantages. For example, unlike many other internet marketing solutions available today, it offers you a direct access to your subscribers. In other words, once you have rented a list, it is yours to give as you see fit. Rather than having to construct an elaborate sales pitch and hope that people sign up through sheer force, you can simply send out a simple note and watch the sign up rates shoot up. Similarly, you can easily cancel subscribers at any time. Many of these services even offer disposable email lists so that you don't have to worry about building another list.

However, there are disadvantages too. One of the major downsides to using these lists is that you will generally only be able to send your emails to individuals who have an opt-in email address. Opt-in addresses are provided by webmaster's for a reason - you must provide them with a means of validating that they actually are interested in the information you are sending them. Hence, if the addresses you have supplied are not people who have opted-in to receive your emails, then you could get into some serious spamming trouble. This is because any email you deliver to a subscriber who does not intend to receive more will simply be deleted unread.

There are better ways to go about building a contact list. That is where auto responders come in. Auto responders work by automatically emailing subscribers to their contact list as soon as they are signed up with the service. These subscribers can then opt-in to receive future messages from you, but they will never receive a message from you that does not contain content related to the subject that they signed up for. By taking the necessary precautions, it is possible to rent an email address list that you can use to quickly build up an emailing list of highly targeted subscribers who are genuinely interested in your business.
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