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Good afternoon, my name is Julia and I am the _______ speaker for the preposition. The motion for todays debate is why Boris Johnson should be removed from prime minister and my team is strongly in favour of this. Today i have two point to make to you guidelines, money. now for my first point, Remember the rule where in a party/gathering there could only be 6 people? Well Boris Johnson hosted a party with over 30 people even though the rule still stood. Also when a parliament member called him out for lying about not having a party/gathering the member was told to step down or he would be removed from the Parliament. Which shows how muck he uses his guidelines that if he gets called out for something he did the person would get punished
Now for my second point, money Boris used £130 million pounds out of the Uk coverage on a bridge design that wasn't built in the end and this was the Garden bridge which was suppose to be built over the river Thames in London England
So this show that even though he really tries those little things that make a big diffrence to the Uk makes him look like a bad prime minister.Thank you for listening to my debate my name is Julia and i strongly beleive boris shold step down from prime minister
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