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blood is the only tissue that is a fluid
blood can move
its main function is to deliver oxygen and move waste products, nutrients, hormones, enzymes.
RBC removes carbon dioxide and delivers oxygen, also flexible
Stem cells are very little (baby cells)
study of blood is hematology
WBC are called leukocytes, body lines of defense.
Body contains 5 different types of WBC all of which are crucial to life.
Neutrophils (make up 60% to 70% of WBCs in circulation) they migrate out of the blood vessels and into tissue spaces and engulf and digest foreign materials.
Eosinophils (fe exists in blood streams, etc) they are involved with allergic reactions and kill parasites
Lymphocytes (smallest of WBC's) they begin in bone marrow some migrate to the
Monocytes (largest) attack bacteria, cellular debris, and cancoures cells
Leukemia: extremely high WBC count
Blood types: RBC carries a protein called antigen (also called agglutinogen)
There are two antigens: A and B
Blood type o have none
Angulation: the process of clumping together to form a mass with RBC during a transfusion reaction
Plasma: the clear extracellular matrix of blood
Anemia: a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin
the heart lies in the thoracic cavity in the mediastinum
The base is at the top of the heart, apex lower left
study of the heart is cardiology
Key structures of the heart is pericardium, the heart wall, chambers, and the values
The pericardium is the doubled wall sac surrounding the heart
it has two layers the fibrous pericardium and the serous pericardium. One is the losse fitting sac of strong connective tissue and the other consist of two layers which covers it.
pericardial cavity: small amount of serious fluid which prevents friction as the heart beats

Two upper chambers: ATRIA (two upper chambers)
Two lower chambers: VENTRICLES (left and right)
GREAT VESSLES" several large vessels
valvular insufficiency: prevents the backflow of blood during contraction is called incompetent

Cardiac output +heart rate x stroke volume
The cardiac cycle consists of two phases: systole (contraction) and diastole (relaxation)
Medulla in the brain detects changes in the body and sends message to the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system
Stroke volume is affected by three factors: preload, contractility and afterload

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