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Youtube has a wealth of tutorials that are excellent and I enjoy studying.

What has been the most interesting thing you've observed about me during the past year? My commute. It's amazing how quiet the station appears while it commutes to work. The train ride of 1 hour used to be crowded with people. Many had to get up to get out of bed in order to prevent their sleeping from getting worse. The number of passengers has decreased to 12 people per train. Everybody works remotely from home or has no job. This is yet another tragic result of the epidemic. It was clear that I couldn't switch to working remotely. The job I work in requires hands-on training with equipment that can't be accessed remotely. Also, I have to take the equipment outside so that I can take it home. You are able to work remotely, but where are you?

I've had the ability to access instructions and other manuals in the privacy of my status as a train rider. This site is mostly filled with tutorials on various subjects, beginning with creating a shadowed circle using Adobe Photoshop, and ending by stacking hundreds of effects, rendering 3D models using reflections and chrome.. Although some of these are difficult to achieve at home, I can follow the steps and recreate desired effects. This is all computer-related. I am sorry for any misinformation I may have given you.. I am learning to improve myself and my abilities to lead a more fulfilling life.

It was 12 years ago that I learned how grout and tile can be used on floors and walls. It was easy to learn using YouTube videos and tutorials. The bathroom turned out fantastic with brand new walls and floors as well as fixtures and pipes new floor bords and just about everything else. The bathroom is wonderful, although I can't believe how much it has changed. Isn't it the greatest sensation in the world? I'm sure it is.. I did it all in 8 years. I was the only one who did and learned. I had to break approximately two dozen tiles before I understood that tiles needed to be scored and then a specific tool should be used to break it down the score. It was a fantastic tool that helped me to cut both short and narrow tiles.

I utilized Youtube to download MP4 files, and then I would set them all up in the bathroom. While trying to apply my knowledge to the project at hand, I would play videos. Now I use the same method with my Ipad, I bring it with me on the train and go through incredible tutorials which keep me extremely amused during long periods of travel. CSS is now my most trusted friend. I used to be scared of CSS because of the most ridiculous reasons. I've learned to code some of CSS JS tricks I've been trying to understand. I can now ninja-kick people even when they don't expect it. I also learned many things from him and his channel about ecommerce. These tips and tricks are extremely helpful. I can't WAIT to use them all at my home.

Vimeo and Dailymotion both offer plenty of great educational videos. If you don't think video is crucial you can convert them into MP3 and create podcasts from these. I also can download them as mp4 files to my laptop. This lets me keep the tutorial going, as if that they're an instructional video. Just remember the downloaded files will be in your browser downloads folder, most browsers save files to your desktop or open the folder using a the shortcut combo, perhaps you need some time off. Yes, I do.

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