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5ta parte- Chats.
--------------------------------------Specialized Escalation Complaints-------------------------------------------
- "SERIOUSCOMPLAINTABOUTTHEDRIVER1" - I’m so sorry this happened. As a customer myself, I do understand how disappointing and upsetting this situation must be. We appreciate when people make us aware of issues that happen using our service. It’s an important part of maintaining the quality of our service. Also, thank you for taking the time to bring this to our attention, we will look into this to take any and all necessary corrective actions so issues like this do not take place again in the future with you and with the rest of our customers. In order to continue with this, do you have have any photo or video evidence that could help our investigation by any chance? In case you do, can you provide me with your best email address, please?
- "SERIOUSCOMPLAINTABOUTTHEDRIVER1" - I've sent you an email to EMAILADDRESS. Please reply back with the evidence attached to the email, I'll make sure to add it to the escalation so our specialized team can take a look into it.
Hello, Grubhub here!
Please attach the evidence to this email and reply back.
Thank you, Hugo B.
- "SERIOUSCOMPLAINTABOUTTHEDRIVER2" - I totally agree with you, I understand what you are going through. I will address this issue to the right place so we can take of it.
- "SERIOUSCOMPLAINTABOUTTHEDRIVER3" - It’s totally natural that you would feel this way. I would also be upset if a driver did that to me. I'm taking notes and escalating the situation to take any and all necessary corrective actions. I do apologize for this experience using our service.
- "SERIOUSCOMPLAINTABOUTTHEDRIVER4" - I do apologize for the inconvenience. This is not the experience we want you to have with us. I totally understand the disappointment of the situation, I would feel the same way. I'll make sure to take the notes and pass the information along so this does not happen again in the future.
- "COMPLAINTABOUTHTEDRIVER(SERIOUS)" - I'm really sorry for this bad experience. I understand what you are going through. I've taken the complaint about the driver and I'll be sure to escalate the situation to take any and all necessary corrective actions.
- "SERIOUSCOMPLAINTABOUTTHEDRIVER1" - Thank you for the information. Grubhub will cooperate with any police investigation and we will be conducting an internal investigation to take any and all necessary action.
- "SERIOUSCOMPLAINTABOUTTHEDRIVER1" - Please feel free to send us any new evidence that will help our investigation, also to follow up with this here is your ticket number: Ticket #NUMBER. Please use it for future references so we can better assist you. Also, since this is an internal investigation, we will not be able to provide any details as to actions taken. However, we can assure you that we will be looking into this right away.
- "SERIOUSCOMPLAINTABOUTTHEDRIVER1" - I understand how upsetting this must be for you and I do apologize for the troubles caused. I'm afraid we are unable to ban a driver from delivering to a specific customer. In case you place an order and this driver is assigned, please let us know, we will see what we can do for you. I do apologize for this bad experience.
- "ASSIGNSAMEDRIVERTOBOTHORDERS" - I'm afraid I do not have any kind of tool to assign the same driver manually to pick up and deliver both orders. Please allow the full estimated time of arrival for delivery. If any of the orders do not arrive on time please chat back in, we'll be happy to help you with this.
-"CANNOTGIVEMOREINFO" - For privacy data and security reasons, we cannot provide you with the name and phone number of the driver.
-"CANNOTGIVEMOREINFO" - We cannot provide more information without a subpoena on file. Please contact law enforcement and ask them to issue a subpoena requesting information
-"CANNOTGIVEMOREINFO" - Once a subpoena is on file we will be able to disclose all the information requested and our legal team will follow up with you directly.
What was their issue: The diner would like to fill a serious complaint about the driver because:
What action did we take: Contact leader through Adobe to confirm this should be escalated to CE - Leader NAME approved the escalation so escalate to CE using the "Transfer/Reassign::Transfer to Contract Enforcement::General Request" and fill out the appropriate information.
Serious Driver Complaint - Ticket #NUMBER - The customer is saying that the driver stole her food, she does not have any evidence to send us - Should it be escalated to CE?
What was their issue: The diner would like to fill a serious complaint about the driver because:
What action did we take: Contact leader through Adobe to confirm this should be escalated to CE - Leader NAME determined no further action is needed. Close the ticket.
Serious Driver Complaint - Ticket #NUMBER - The customer is saying that the driver stole her food, she does not have any evidence to send us - Should it be escalated to CE?
What was their issue: The diner would like to fill a serious complaint about the driver because:
What action did we take: This is a SD order. Contact leader through Adobe to confirm this should be escalated to CXT - LEADERNAME approved the escalation so escalate to CXT using the macro Transfer/Reassign::Specialized Escalation - Transfer to CXT from DET.
- "UNASSIGNDRIVER1" - Please allow me a moment to call the driver and have the driver unassigned from the order.
- "UNASSIGNDRIVER1" - Thank you for your patience, your driver has been unassigned, we're working on assigning a new driver to pick up your food and deliver it as soon as possible.
What action did we take: Call the driver and have the driver unassigned from the order. The driver is not taking my calls, followed what the customer said about the driver and unassign the driver from the order.
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Driver.
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the driver and have the driver unassigned from the order.
- "UNASSIGNDRIVER(CANNOT)" - I'm afraid we cannot unassign the driver unless the driver contacts customer care and requests to be unassigned from the order. I understand how frustrating that can be, I apologize for the experience.
- FYI - BBB, SoMe, Legal, corporate, etc threat on Ticket #NUMBER, Diner very upset for.....
- Question - Ticket #NUMBER - QUESTION
- DaaS order - Ticket #NUMBER - DINER'SNAME - CONFIRMATIONCODE - DINER'SEMAIL / Type of adjustment (refund/credit) and amount - on behalf of GH or restaurant - the reason of the adjustment.
- Approval request - Ticket: #NUMBER - Refund for +$100 - Diner stating order was cold. etc.
Serious Driver Complaint - Ticket #NUMBER - The customer is saying that the driver... - Should it be escalated?
- "RESTAURANTREQUESTSTOBEREMOVEDFROMGRUBHUB1" - We understand that you would like to be removed from our platform. We will stop taking orders for your restaurant for the remainder of the day. In order to process your removal request, we will need an email from the business owner or manager of the restaurant. Could you please provide the best email address for us to send more information?
- "RESTAURANTREQUESTSTOBEREMOVEDFROMGRUBHUB2" - Thank you for the information, I've sent you the removal request email. The restaurant can expect to be removed from Grubhub within 72 business hours of the response via email.
Thank you for contacting Grubhub. We have received your request and have stopped diner's ability to place an order from your restaurant for the remainder of the day.
If you would like your restaurant to be fully removed from the Grubhub platform, please email us at [email protected] with the following information:
​• Name of restaurant
• Address of restaurant
• Your name
• Your relation to the restaurant
• Reason for removal request​
After sending your email request to [email protected], please allow 48-72 business hours for us to remove your restaurant from the Grubhub platform.
There are many benefits partnering with Grubhub. If your restaurant is interested in learning more about a partnership, please contact us at [email protected]. We would be happy to discuss these benefits with you or a designated member of your team.
Please do not reply to this email.
Best Regards.
Hugo B.
- "SOMEONE'SELSESNUMBER1" - May I ask what is the phone number where you are getting these messages?
- "SOMEONE'SELSESNUMBER(CANNOTFINDANYTHING)2" - I understand how frustrating that can be, I apologize for the experience. I'm afraid I cannot find any order associated with this phone number. There may have been a misdial and I do apologize for the confusion.
- "SOMEONE'SELSESNUMBER(CANNOTFINDANYTHING-PUSHESBACK[apply the Transfer to DET: Invalid Phone Escalation ])3" - I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad experience. I'm escalating this issue to another apartment that will investigate this for you and they will email you within 24 hours. I need to gather some information so we can investigate this for you.
What phone number are the calls coming from?
List the dates and times these calls occurred (if possible) or the frequency they are receiving these incorrect calls (e.g. everyday, multiple times a week etc)
What are the contents of the calls? (e.g. are they automated or a live agent)
Have you also received incorrect text messages from us?
Preferred contact method to get in touch with you.
- "ORDERAFTER60DAYS" - I'm afraid we are able to see orders from the last 60 days, we cannot see any orders after 60 days. My apologies.
- "STOPRECEIVINGEMAILS(" - You've successfully unsubscribed. After you are unsubscribed, you may receive emails alerting you of any policy changes relevant to your Grubhub account.
- "STOPRECEIVINGTEXTMESSAGES" - If you would like to opt-out from receiving future SMS notifications, you can do so by texting STOP to 30368. If you want to start getting texts again, you can text START to the same number.
- "RESTAURANTCAREISSUES" - I'm afraid this is the Diner Escalation Team, we're unable to assist restaurant accounts with these issues. If you need further assistance please feel free to reach out to Restaurant Care, they operate from 8:00am to 9:00pm CT, everyday.
This is their contact information:
Phone: 877-799-0790
Fax: 888-287-9441
Email: [email protected]
Menu Updates: [email protected], Fax: 888-269-4081
Unfortunately, Restaurant Care does not accept chat transfers.
"CANCELANYPOLICY" - Let me give the restaurant a call to cancel your order on our end. Please allow me a moment.
What action did we take: Call the restaurant to cancel the order, no answer, cancel it on them
Outbound call notes (if an outbound call was made): Restaurant.
Name of the person you spoke with: NONE
Provide a description of what was discussed: Call the restaurant to cancel the order
- "REFUNDNEXTORDER" - Let me thank you for taking the time to bringing this to our attention. Please accept our sincere apologies for such a trouble we've put you through. I understand we have failed to met your expectations with the poor service we have provided you today. We keep working to improve our service. For the inconvenience, Grubhub will adjust your next order and process a refund as a courtesy for the amount of $25.00. You just have to place an order over $AMOUNT as the grand total and reach out to customer care after the order is placed so we can refund you $AMOUNT as a courtesy from Grubhub.
Here is your ticket number: Ticket #TICKETNUMBER. Please use it for future references so we can better assist you with this refund once the order is placed. Just provide it to the next customer care agent.
Note for future agents: Since the customer does not have any previous orders to provide concessions I offered the diner a $15.00 off as a refund courtesy from Grubhub on a future order.

- "PROMOCODE" - Let me thank you for taking the time to bringing this to our attention. Please accept our sincere apologies for such a trouble we've put you through. I understand we have failed to met your expectations with the poor service we have provided you today. We keep working to improve our service. For the inconvenience, we've emailed you Free Grub that you can use towards your next order for the amount of $25.00 off. You have 30 days to use this.
- "CANCELED" - Your order has been canceled. We've voided the charge in the amount of $XX on our end, so you may see this charge removed from your statement, instead of appearing as a credit. Some financial institutions can take up to 5 business days to process a refund. Unfortunately, we don't have visibility into their timeline, so we recommend contacting them if you have additional questions on this. Also for the inconvenience, I've emailed you a promotion code that you can use towards your next order for 20% off in Free Grub. You have 30 days to use this.
- "CANCELED(ONETIMECOURTESY)" - Your order has been canceled as a one time courtesy. We've voided the charge in the amount of $XX on our end, so you may see this charge removed from your statement, instead of appearing as a credit. Some financial institutions can take up to 5 business days to process a refund. Unfortunately, we don't have visibility into their timeline, so we recommend contacting them if you have additional questions on this.
- "REFUND" - Your order has been adjusted. We've processed the refund on our end for $AMOUNT after taxes, and your bank has it from here. Some financial institutions can take up to 5 business days to process a refund. Unfortunately, we don't have visibility into their timeline, so we recommend contacting them if you have additional questions on this.
- "REFUND(ONETIMECOURTESY)" - Your order has been adjusted as a one time courtesy. We've processed the refund on our end for $AMOUNT after taxes, and your bank has it from here. Some financial institutions can take up to 5 business days to process a refund. Unfortunately, we don't have visibility into their timeline, so we recommend contacting them if you have additional questions on this.
------------------------------------Suspected policy abuse detected (Assist)------------------------------------
Suspected policy abuse detected banner on the diner's account - After reviewing the diner's account and order history, the diner has a total of ORDERS orders, CANCELATIONS cancelations and REFUNDS refunds for issues after receiving the order. I found not enough information to determine policy abuse - Assist customer.
Relevant tickets:

Relevant UUID(s):
I understand it's quite a frustrating experience to go through. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention, this is definitely not the experience we want you to have with our service, I looked into your account and noticed that you have received an unusual number of refunds and Free Grub codes on recent orders, however, here’s what I can do for you this time:
I understand it's quite a frustrating experience to go through. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention, this is definitely not the experience we want you to have with our service, I looked into your account and noticed that you have received an unusual number of refunds and Seamless Cash codes on recent orders, however, here’s what I can do for you this time:
No suspected policy abuse banner on the diner's profile so I did not check previous tickets nor previous adjustments/cancelations on the account.
If there is nothing else that I can do for you I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. Thanks for chatting in!
Thank you for chatting! I hope you have a good rest of your day.
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Regards; Team

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