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Dear Idols,
I am writing this letter to let you know that you have one more fan to add to the list of millions of others who claim to be your "Number One Fan" of all time!! In my world, it's true!! There are no others like me. until REALITY hits, then I become just one of "Them".
I don't know if you'll be able to read this. I don't know if you've ever seen any of the letters, notes. etc., that we, the fans (those lucky enough to KNOW WHERE to send anything) send to you, and I probably never will know, but that's okay. I will keep the faith that you've received everything we've sent to you, whether it's in physical form, as in letters, presents, etc., or in spirit, when we're cheering, chanting, etc., during your concerts and other engagements, which is our way of letting you know how much we love what you do, and how much we love YOU.
I know that you have to be careful with your image. The only problem with that "rule of the Idol Universe" is: IT'S NOT FAIR!! We KNOW you're human beings. We know you're not perfect, (Of course, there is that little issue of DENIAL in most, if not all of Fandom!), you're going to make mistakes, you're going to have bad days, you're going to bed bad mouthed, put down, and made fun of. That's the "norm" everywhere, and it's just not fair.
I am writing this letter not just out of frustration because I can't be with you all the time, like all fans want. We're only compatible and perfect for each other in my Dreams, and Fantasies. (No worries....Even my dreams and fantasies aren't too dangerous, at least in my opinion_). ~sigh~ The things that keep fans movin', groovin' and keepin' on!
I know that you have your own dreams, and that being our idol happened to be one of them. That's not the ONLY thing you want to be, right? I have changed my dreams and goals so many times, fell down a lot, got back up a lot too, and never gave up going after what I want because Giving Up IS NOT in the Idol's Vocabulary. And the one constant thing in my life, other than family, and friends I've made along the way, has always been that person, or people that I've looked up to, that I'm NOT related to: Music, the Arts, and Entertainment.
I'm not the only one that's felt this way for ages. Fans come and go, as do groups, bands, and solo artists. One fan, like myself, may idolize many groups, bands, idols, etc., because, with time, everything changes, and so do people. Interests change along with that, and so does determination, and faith.
I think this fan letter is long enough. If I don't stop now, it might get CREEPIER and I might even start sounding like a Stalker! So, from THIS fan to MY IDOLS, I want you to know that I love you, and I appreciate everything you do!!!
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Regards; Team

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