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90% of brain development is complete by the age of five

Even young children most definitely understand the concept of consent

Sexual behavior is well documented in children of all ages and genders
<By twelve years of age, approximately one boy in every four or five has tried at least to copulate with a female and more than ten percent of preadolescent boys experience their first ejaculation in connection with heterosexual intercourse, according to Kinsey. Ramsey reported that about one-third of his sample of middle-class boys had attempted sexual intercourse.
<In a 1999 study of undergraduate students, 5.2% of females and 12.8% of males reported having engaged in sex play with their peers involving genital contact before elementary school, and that 1.3% of girls and 4.0% of boys had engaged in sex play involving anal/genital insertion (with objects or fingers) or oral-genital intercourse before elementary school. By the end of elementary school, the numbers increased to 29.2% for females and 32.9% for males for genital contact and 12.3 for girls and 10.1% for boys for insertion or oral sex. Very little pressure and almost no coercion were reported.

Inherent harm in children from adult-child sex is a myth
<This study was conducted on a probability sample of 912 gay/bisexual males in the US, half of whom had had sexual contact with adults during childhood, and half of whom had not. Among those who’d had sex with adults as children, the prevalence of consensual sex was almost 70%, with only 30% of encounters being non-consensual. Consensual adult-minor sex was not correlated with negative outcomes.
<In this study of 571 males, consensual sexual contact with women (5 or more years older) was strongly associated with favourable feelings for the boys, and had a positive/beneficial effect on their adult sex life, whereas forced sexual contact was associated with negative feelings and a negative effect on their adult sex life. The ages of the boys at the time of the sexual contact ranged from 3-15, with a mean age of 12.
<Some correlates of women's childhood sexual experiences: A retrospective study: In analyses of variance, the amount of variance explained by the type of sexual partner that women had as children (with relative, nonrelative, older partner, or no partner) were not statistically significant for any of the five measures of adult functioning. This finding suggests that whether the partner was related, unrelated, or older, by the time the girl reached adulthood, she was generally functioning in the normal range.
Of the 448 women who had experiences, 28% retrospectively perceived the experiences as having both positive and negative effects on their lives, 27% perceived them as having primarily positive effects, and 6% perceived them as having primarily negative effects. Some women did not answer this question. These figures indicate that the long-range effects from self-reports by the women in the study are that their preadult sexual experiences are primarily positive.

The vast majority of sexual abuse is not perpetrated by pedophiles
<Only a small part (16,2 %) of sexual offenders against children meet the criteria (DSM-IV-TR) for pedophilia.

Children who have sex with adults end up more successful than population as a whole

Likely 1-3% or about 1 in 35 UK men are MAPs

Age of consent laws in Britain used to target homosexuals
<About 140 men were imprisoned for consensual gay relations with boys aged 13 to 16 in England and Wales during 1989. Typical sentences ranged from three to ten years. These sentences were, on average, three-and-a-half times longer than sentences for comparable heterosexual acts with girls in the same age range.

There was no fixed age of consent in the USSR

Pederasty has been the main manifestation of homosexuality throughout human history. The concepts of free love and MAP liberation have intersected the gay movement since the 19th century. Many prominent gay rights activists were MAPs themselves and many supported decriminalizing sex between adults and children.

Pedophilia & pedo hate as western constructs
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