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Jane Doe No. 2 and Leigh Nicol take their case to PornHub
Leigh Nicol revealed that she had been watching porn online and abusing children. She was forced to stop playing professional football, and has suffered severe emotional trauma. She has also been experiencing panic attacks as well as suicidal thoughts. Moreover, she still feels sick when she looks into a mirror after watching sex videos. Nicol decided to speak out about her experiences, despite the consequences.

Leigh Nicol from Crystal Palace has joined four other British women suing PornHub regarding the publication of their porn videos. The Crystal Palace star has a history involving porn, and has taken a year off. Despite having taken down her social media accounts, they remain unhacked. Hackers stole her photos, video footage, and posted them on websites like YouTube or PornHub in spring 2019. Some of her videos also were downloaded and posted to other websites.

Jane Doe No. 2 has been diagnosed with chronic anxiety after the experience. She is scared that people will recognize her from the porn videos or photos. Similar stories are told by Nicol and the other victims. Sky News spoke with Nicol about her ordeal and how the Internet has ruined her family's lives. Although it was hard for her to move on after such a horrible experience, she decided to share the story with the rest of the world.

Jane Doe victims have not been named in the Nicol investigation. game cfun68 are simply identified with a Jane Doe's number and a Jane Doe. Nicol is a victim of the internet sex market and suffers severe emotional trauma. Abdul Hasib Elahi, a child sex offender, has admitted to 157 cases at Birmingham Crown Court. During her trial, Nicol has been blackmailed and suffered many mental health problems. She has even tried to commit suicide several times.
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