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The Difference Between Web Design and Web Development
Web design encompasses a variety of disciplines and skills in the creation and management of web sites. The various disciplines of web design focus on the creation of visually attractive and functional web sites. Some of the areas of web design concentrate on visual, functional, and logical components that facilitate interaction with users. The other areas of web design deal with advertising strategies. It also involves communication strategies to improve customer satisfaction.

A web designer focuses on creating attractive, user-friendly websites through a systematic process that begins with the conception and planning of the project. The web designers usually collaborate with developers to identify the essential characteristics that should be included in the website. After the identification of the characteristics, the designers work out a scheme for the elements of the site, which they discuss with the developers. The developers plan how the elements of the site will interact with each other and with the target audience. A successful web design has all these interactive components working together in harmony.

Web developers use programming languages such as HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, JavaScript, ColdFusion, and Java to create a web design. Web developers have to follow certain specification in developing a website layout. These specifications are designed by a professional web development team. Once the web developers have developed a website layout, they pass it over to a web design team, which is responsible for coding the code into a suitable format according to the specifications of the client. The web designers and developers check the website format thoroughly to make sure that it meets all the standards laid down by the client.

119 Web Design of a web designer consists of several sub-functions. In addition to the planning and designing phase, a web designer also needs to ensure that the website will be coded using the right markup language (XML). The web designer can also help in choosing the appropriate content management system (CMS) for the site. Finally, he or she will need to make sure that the site looks pleasing to the user's eyes.

Learn More starts with the brainstorming session in which the team members come up with different ideas for designing the website. After the brainstorming session, the designers will discuss their ideas with the client. During this discussion, they will be discussing the client's requirements and expectations, the design principles, and the best way to implement the design principles. 119 Web Design decides on the web design principles to be incorporated into the website and develop a suitable website layout.

Many companies are now venturing into web design services. The growing demand for web design services has given rise to a large number of companies offering good quality web design services at affordable prices. Web design companies are creating websites for both small business organizations and large corporations. Some of the companies offer their services to people who want to create websites to promote their products, while some web design companies specialize in creating corporate websites. There are many job opportunities for designers online and the Internet is a prime place to search for these jobs.

The user experience is very important in web design and web development. It plays an important role in enhancing the overall functionality and appeal of the website. The concept of usability is also related to web design and web development. The two concepts complement each other and they go hand in hand to provide users with an easy to use interface and intuitive functionality.

In order to become a web designer or web developer, a person needs to have a strong understanding of the computer programs that he or she is expected to design and develop. These programs include HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, CSS, JavaScript, DHTML, Flash, and several other coding languages. A person who wants to break into the web design and web development industry must be knowledgeable about the above programs. A person who wants to become a web developer will also need to have a basic knowledge of marketing, web promotion, and ecommerce. Web developers can either work independently or they can work in a team environment.
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