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koda adalah

PARBOABOA - In an explanation of the structure in some types of text, there is a section called a coda. Coda is one of the most important elements and is usually always there to get the message that can be learned in a story.

In the structure of a text, Koda is located at the very end. Actually, the meaning of this Koda is very broad.

One example is Koda in music. Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), Koda is defined as the last part in a musical composition or called the closing.

Meaning of Code
What is Code? In general, Koda is the closing part that becomes the message and message that can be drawn from the story.

In the world of pens, writers can freely determine the location of Koda in their writings. Like some stories are written with an ending that has a continuation or continues.

Even though it seems hanging, the story is still a unit that will have a final conclusion. The end of the story usually contains a narration about the state of a character or place that experienced the peak of the story.

Not infrequently, some writers deliberately do not finish the story in order to attract the curiosity of the reader and also let the reader imagine what will happen next.

The word Koda itself has also experienced an expansion of meaning because there is no standard explanation of its meaning. Even so, it still does not change the basic meaning of Koda.

Koda in the short story is the final part of the short story. While in music, Koda is the closing part of the music.

Similar to short stories, Koda is also one of the structures in the Fable story. Usually, the Fable story consists of Orientation, Complication, Resolution, and Coda.

Meanwhile, in anecdotal text, Koda is also the last part which is preceded by abstraction, orientation, criticism and reaction.

Code Functions
In working on a written work, each structure has its own role and function in order to become a unified whole.

After understanding the above understanding, Koda functions as the end of the story and conclusions that have meaning for the reader to pick up.

If in koda adalah , Koda is right at the very end after Resolution (conflict resolution).

Examples of Codes in Short Stories
For example, here is a Samosir folk legend about the history of the formation of Lake Toba and the island of Samosir.

According to community stories, this story begins with a young man named Toba, an orphan who works as a farmer every day.

One day, when Toba was fishing in the river near his house, he found a large goldfish.

This goldfish looks so different from other fish because the scales of this fish look shiny and beautiful.

Amazed by this, Toba decided to take him home and take care of him. After being caught, the unexpected just happened, the goldfish has now transformed into a beautiful woman.

Long story short, they finally got married but the Princess gave a condition that Toba had to promise to keep his origins secret from anyone.

Month after month, year after year had passed and the two had a harmonious domestic relationship. Toba also seems to still hold fast to the agreement he said to his wife. Their household was happier when they were blessed with a son named Samosir.

But one day their son, Samosir, was asked by his mother to deliver food to Toba in the fields. Unfortunately in the middle of the trip Samosir felt hungry and ate the lunch that was supposed to be for Toba.

After eating it, Samosir continued his journey and conveyed to his father the empty lunch. Enraged by Samosir's actions, Toba spontaneously became furious and shouted that Samosir was a child of a fish.

Suddenly koda adalah darkened and it rained heavily for days. Thanks to this rain, a large lake emerged which we now know as Lake Toba, and the island in the middle of the lake is called Samosir Island.

Well, that's the legend of the formation of Lake Toba and the island of Samosir. In the story, Koda is the end of the story that becomes a lesson.

The message that can be drawn from the Toba story is to always keep promises, think clearly, and not be easily controlled by anger.

Example of Code in Anecdotal Text
Tech Anecdote consists of 5 parts, namely abstraction, orientation, crisis, reaction, and code. Similar to short stories, in the anecdotal text, the coda is the closing part. Here is an example of Koda in an Anecdote text.


After going through the judicial process, a young man was thrown into prison.


The first day he entered the cell, an old prisoner asked him: "You are so young, how come you are in prison, what crime have you committed?"

"I stole the fish sir," replied the young prisoner curtly.

Old inmate: "How many years did you get your sentence?"

"I was sentenced to life sir with 2 years probation"


Haunted by curiosity, the old prisoner asked more about the problem.

"How come the theft of fish is punished this severely, is the fish you stole a whale?" asked the old prisoner.

Young inmate: "I just bombed fish in a reservoir, sir, with a detonator sinking, then 3 fish floating on the surface of the water"

Old inmate: "This case is just an ordinary case, you can only be detained for 2 days"

Young inmate: "The point is, not long after, the bodies of some of the divers floated"


Old inmate: "Hahaha, you deserve to go to jail, it turns out that you bombed not only fish but humans were also hit by the bomb".


And finally, the old prisoner was surprised and laughed at the young prisoner's explanation. The situation returned to normal and they chatted together in prison.

So, the article about Koda is an important part of a text structure. I hope this helps.

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