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Ok, there is something you NEED to know. A study in 2018 found that lighter-skinned people “attain a higher educational level, receive higher wages and enjoy better-quality jobs than their darker-skinned colleagues.” That is so crazy right?!! Now, you might be wondering, who is this guy? Well, my name is Mohan Grover and I’m here to talk about a topic that has not been talked about a lot but is a Huge Problem. Colourism. You might be like, isn’t Colourism the same thing as Racism? Well, no. Ok, so starting things off, What is Colourism? Well, Colourism is the preference of lighter skin over darker skin. This preference for lighter skin can be seen everywhere. Within adults and even children. And because of this change in colour, people start to judge each other and call each other names without even knowing the person, they judge each other and depict their personality. Ok, so now that you know what colourism is, let's dive into and talk about reasons for it.

Well starting off, we will be talking about poverty. Here are a couple of colourism examples that lead to poverty. First up, job loss. Because of people’s skin colour, darker skinned people tend not to get jobs which leads to them not making money which leads to them in poverty. Next up, wage gap. Because lighter skinned people tend to get more money which means darker skinned people get lesser money which leads to them in poverty. And due to these points above, people get homeless since they are not able to get jobs, and if they do, then they also get lesser amounts of money, which makes them homeless because they don't have enough money to eat food, buy a house, or anything else like that. Now, the second main reason or topic is that because of colourism, certain people get lesser human rights. Example, It is harder for Darker skinned people to live their own lives because they get forced to do things like work for other people, and do what others say. Which I think is not fair. Not at all. It is also harder for them to express themselves, since they are usually not allowed to share their opinion because it's “useless”. Plus, they tend to get a lower quality of education than their lighter skinned counterpart! Now how is THAT fair?!!…..Ok now finally, we are going to talk about discrimination. Which is probably what colourism is, but it is also a reason for why colourism happens. Basically people are judged by the colour of their skin and are talked to rudely and are hit, shouted at, and insulted because of colourism. Darker skinned people are also used as slaves and treadle badly because of their skin colour. And it also affects their Self esteem and makes them feel bad about themselves which could lead to self - harm and even sucide.

Now, If you’re thinking , Oh god, Mohan, there are so many problems so how do we solve them? Well, there is a simple explanation. The word we. Yes. I cannot do it by myself. You cannot do it by yourself. The only way we can solve it is together. We cannot just go alone in hopes to solve it. We need to work together. We need to solve it together. We need to go and stop people from harassing people just because of their skin colour. We need to share this with everybody. We need to post this on our youtube, Instagram, twitter, Facebook, everywhere. We need to make sure that nobody will be affected by colourism. And if we do this, then we will have succeeded, and then, we would have solved this problem. And It’s gonna take a lot of work. But we can do this….. So with this substantial amount of information, I end my speech with a thank you, for listening to me, and a be aware, because colourism might be happening around you, but you just won't notice. So yeah, thank you for staying here and listening to this speech and I will see you all next time.
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