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Stars change through out there life. Stars start out as gas and dust. the longest part of a stars lifetime is its "sequence" witch lasts 10 billion years. Scientists don't know how long stars with low mass last. the sun will begin to die when it uses all the hydrogen in its core. The sun will blow up in billions of years. Neutron stars spin rapidly creating pulsar waves. A black holes powers so powerful that nothing within range can escape it not even light. All of the continents were once one big content called "pangea" , they then all broke up in a process called contented drift. continents only move a few centimeters each year. divergent boundary's are where crust is moving apart. divergent boundary is where the crust is moving together. the plates are always moving. volcanoes are openings in the ground that release energy from deep inside the planet. the deeper you go the hotter it gets. all the energy wants to escape so it pushes forward to escape. the rigid crust keeps the mantle pushed below. when the magma releases to the surface its called magma. less pressure makes smaller eruptions. magma with a lot a gas can send out poisonous gas and cause huge eruptions. luckily eruptions don't just happen anywhere. the plates are always in slow motion. scientists believe that volcanoes and eruptions first came from the ocean. Hawaii is the only state in the country that's literally growing because of these volcanoes. If you live in Hawaii or are visiting you should always have an emergency pack and listen to all the local authorities. Mountains are a basic type of land form. Most of the worlds major rivers are fed by mountains. They effect the weather and environment around the world. the earth is divided into 7 major plates. the movement of the plates is called plate Tectonics. the Himalayas in Asia is an example. A fault is a huge crack in a rock where movement happens. Earth quakes are a powerful layer reminding that were living on a fiery ball layered by a thin layer. In some places the slabs of rock move slowly. sometimes they get stuck causing a lot of building up pressure the release is called a earth quake. hundreds of thousands of earthquakes happen every year, but there usually so small we cant even feel them. and sometimes so much energy is let out it can cause damage and you will for sure feel those earthquakes. The intensity of a earthquake is measured on a 10 point scale. California is on the ring of fire causing the plates to always rub together. If you live on the west coast create a ready pack. Get to a safe place inside your house have places to contact and meet your family. There is a ton of metal in the earth same with silicone rock. The earth has three basic layers, the core, the mantle, and the crust. below the crust you'll find the mantle. the mantle makes up the bulk of the worlds mass. the lower mantle is solid and extremely hot. the core is the earths only liquid core. The inner core floats in the outer core and flows differently then the rest of the planet. the deepest hole ever drilled was 12 kl deep. The center of the earth holds all the energy we need for our earth to survive yet no one has ever been able to hit the core of the earth. Maybe one day technology will come to a point where we'll be able to get to the center of the earth and see if our theory about it is really true.
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